
On Second Thought...I want out of retail! + BIG OPPORTUNITY

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
I know that months ago, April I think it was, that I had made a post about "retail heaven". I look back at that post now and just kind of giggle at my self : D. I'm not very sure, but I must have been just happy to have a normal job at the time, I sounded so optimistic in that post! Like, what the fuck was wrong with me? Nothing.

Thing is, the job was heavenly, it was so chill and it was something new and exciting. Granted, I worked retail for years when I was younger, so I was used to selling shit and approaching strangers to see if they needed assistance or wanted to be sold to. But this job however, was different. It was like I was Sales Consultant, an Educator, a Tech, and an Entertainer all in one place. It was awesome, and it was cool to see how people actually listened to what I had to say because they don't know shit about technology and they actually trusted my opinion and knowledge. It felt great.

Then we got a new supervisor. Funny enough, I have a feeling this supervisor has a possibility of being a great asset to my business, but I think he's an awful leader. His only great quality was that he was able to get us to improve our sales stats. That was impressive. But other than that, he just doesn't have leadership qualities. Yeah he was one of the best salesmen the company has ever seen, but that was about it. He micro-managed, he hounded associates, and worst of all, he kind of pressured customers into purchasing things that they normally wouldn't have purchased.

Shit went down hill from there, and it seemed to get worse. The job wasn't fun anymore. You know, after you have an interaction with a customer, who didn't want or didn't  buy anything else and just walked out with just the $1,000 hardware by itself (which I call "naked") and the 'leadership' approaches me right afterwards and interrogates me on what I did or what I didn't do, it becomes a bit much. I made it a goal to leave.

And it wasn't just that, I have a corporate background, even though I can be a bit anti-corporate, so I was used to being able to operate on my own with minimal supervision. I was also used to being able to use my full potential and skills to accomplish goals and exceed expectations of my superiors. Here, at this retail gig, not so much. They only want a drone, who sort of follows a script, as well as scribble bullshit notes on a clipboard that really is not needed in most cases.

So now, a month after a great interview, a thorough investigation and an official offer letter and fingerprint scan, I am now waiting on the one thing that will determine whether or not this torture will end - a phonecall (and/or an email). This is a very big opportunity, sort of a dream job if you will and I am on pins and needles. This has taken a month so far, and I still can't believe I made it this far, but nonetheless I made it...this far.

I have no crimes and arrests, so I feel like I have this job in the bag, BUT you never know, ya know? Once I get this, I will celebrate my ass off, I will get drunk off my ass, that's for sure.

But really, the most important thing is this: This temporary hell will be over, I will finally be "Wealthy" for a change, and I will be making so much money that I can now properly fund my business ventures without having to starve for once.

Fingers are crossed. I need this opportunity, and I know I will be president of this company and my own company in no time. I am a natural born leader, runs in the family. I got this.
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Is Forgiveness an option on this path to Success?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
While I am Slowly gaining some tread on this path to success, is forgiveness an option?

 The answer to that is, no. I cannot forgive those who betrayed me and used me to fill their pockets. Not yet at least. The thing is, I got ahead on this path by using that anger and bitterness to fuel me to succeed. Until I am truly successful and truly wealthy, then I might consider forgiveness, but that's not guaranteed.

I am just like my dad, a great man who achieved a lot, but also a man who fought a lot. Fought people who tried to do him wrong, fought people who tried to do his wife wrong, fought people who would fuck with his kids. Fought people that tried to get in the way of his accomplishments and promotions. I may have not fought as much as he has, but I know I will probably be fighting a whole lot more. And Fighting, fighting is the way to make it. Hate and anger, when used and directed the right way, can make things happen. Big things, things of astronomical proportions.

No one understands my struggle, and now I don't expect them to, fuck em, I don't need them. No one understands the B.S. that I must put up with, and I'm glad, because all that struggle and strife will show in my work, it will show in my lifestyle, and it will sure as shit show in my bank account.
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Las diez leyes de la riqueza

Monday, August 6, 2012
The Ten Laws Of Wealth

Took me a while to think up these ten laws, but after a period of long deep thought and inspiration, I've finally come up with ten legitimate laws of Wealth.

1. In the world of business, no one is a friend, all enemies.

2. If you want it, reach out and grab it.

3. Never want or desire it, it is yours, it's definite.

4. People don't get friendliness by default, they have to earn it.

5. Business first, fun later.

6. Never make someone else wealthy, make yourself wealthy.

7. If it's not making you money, it's just a hobby.

8. Only let them see when you're doing good, never let them see when you're doing bad.

9. Show confidence from every angle.

10. Always be focused with laser precision, burn a whole in your goals with your eyes.

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Losses...Lose to Gain Pt. 1

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I remember a while back, when I felt like a failure, when shit came tumbling down on me, I came across a quote that said something like "you gotta lose to gain". I used to never understand stuff like that; It took me a while to understand that sort of mindset. Then I thought about the word sacrifice. You hear all the time from successful rappers, athletes, and I guess businessmen too. "You gotta sacrifice, I made it because I sacrificed." Blah, blah, blah, sacrifice. I always asked myself, what the fuck is a sacrifice; what the hell do I have to sacrifice?Come to find out: friends, my own money, dignity, I sacrificed all of that.

Recently, my beloved girlfriend lost her dog. Put to sleep. It was weird though. Since losing my dad back in '99, I remember my mom and sister always, I mean always saying these exact words "good things come in threes". What they didn't tell me, was that bad things came in threes as well. It was like, in my life, I always experienced things in three's. Good and bad. For my girl, she had three GREAT things goin' for her this year, immaculate credit, that SHE built on her own, new car, a sick new phone. But I guess one thing didn't fit in those three blessings, her dog.

Losing that dog, I don't know, made me change. I think I was already changing,but I think losing the dog, was the last straw. It was like, losing that dog, symbolized everything that I fucking lost. It reminded me of how the world doesn't give a shit what was lost, the world only cared about what I can give it. It made me, sad, angry, but most of all, it made me hardened. It was like, I lost a person I knew and loved and it made me want to just say, fuck it, it's time to stop fuckin' around. I'm changed now. I think it's a good change, but I know it's dangerous at the same time.

I realized, life is short. And after seeing that dog gone, I realized it's too short to just wither away, wishing and hoping. I'm ready to grab my balls and get back in the game and make this fuckin' money. I'm an entrepreneur dammit, and I'm a designer too.

Lose to Gain

After losing all of that steam last year, I realized this: After that heavy loss last year, it's time to gain. After seeing what I could do last year, I know I could do it better this year, build this shit even bigger, but all because of me. I know that I have to change, and I did change. I'm out for blood now. I'm out to build an empire while destroying another, because those fuckers destroyed me before. Not this time. I'm ready.

I lost but now I'm ready to gain.
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Working Part Time + Changes

Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Working Part Time; Stranded in Retail...For Now

So, I haven't been updating this blog like I should have been. I have been working. Shit's crazy. Doing this part time for this major electronics retailer, I'd rather not say the name, due to that putting my employment at risk.

I've been there for a little over a few months, and while I enjoy it, it's been working the hell out of me, leaving me too exhausted to work on my business. So my business, or better yet my Start up has been suffering like crazy. Since I'm back in retail, it reminded at how stupid people can act, when they know they can get away with it. It makes me really want to get the business up and running just so I can be a dick and not worry about losing my job. But I digress.

So I've been working this part time gig, doing full time hours unfortunately, and it's been working my nerves. I love selling and it's fun, but I hate how it's assumed that I am at the mercy of others. I am not, and I think I should act like I have nothing to lose, it may make the day go by even faster.


Since, I have launched my brand, about 2 years ago now, it has been crazy and bumpy road. No one said it was going to be easy, so I didn't expect it to be, but damn, has it been kicking my ass, and I keep coming back for more...

When I first started this company, I attempted to use social networking, namely Facebook to gain sales and to get a following. Massive fail. For one, selling to friends is stupid and counterproductive. Also, when only friends can see your product, it just turns into a circle jerk. So today, I said fuck Facebook, closed my profile/account on there and stayed put on Instagram. Why? I think Instagram is the best social marketing too to date. It's amazing. You can post a visual, post a description and keep it short and sweet, hash tag the hell out of it, and boom, it's instantly accessible to the world. Same with Twitter, but I think Instagram is even better. Since Instagram is used ONLY on mobile devices, it's literally doing work for me for 24 hours a day.

I'm scrapping the idea of a full functioning website. I'm only going to go the way of a website that looks and feels like a blog. No webstore, for now. If a customer wants to order, they go straight to my paypal. It makes it more exclusive. I'm going the "backdoor" route. If you want something, don't shop through the store, go to the backdoor and ask for what you want. Simple as that.

It's a weird change, but I think it's the first step to "automate" my brand while I figure out another business I want to pursue. I think with my brand taking this unusual route, it's going to cause a reaction like none other. And I want this reaction to make me money, and it will.
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Pride Is All I Have, Because I Ran Out Of Fucks

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Without Pride, I Ain't Shit

I was scouring my facebook just a little while ago, actually like 5 minutes ago literally. One of my more "religious" friends (we all love our religious folks, NOT) posting a status about "Pride keeping us from our blessings", all I heard was that classic record scratch you hear in those 1950's cartoons "rivvirr!". I really want to say "motherfucker! pride is all I have! without that, I ain't shit and I won't have shit in life!".

Who's idea was it to say that pride is bad? I mean don't be an arrogant asshole in life, but who the fuck said to not think highly of yourself? Look if I didn't think I was the shit, no one else would either! Point blank period! That's it!  Those who don't agree are more than likely not successful. So I can't tell myself everyday that I am awesome, fabulous, sexy and smart? Who the fuck else is going to tell me that? I can't wait around for someone else to compliment me, if I did, I'd be waiting at least 5 days between compliments.

I no longer have any fucks to give, so pride and confidence I have a ton of. And I ain't runnin' out of that any time soon. When I gave a fuck, shit didn't happen for me, nothing good happened for me. Because I cared too much to make any serious moves. Risky moves, the moves that yield high rewards.

At the same, I am humble as hell, but the humility I keep on the low, I only show it when necessary, when helping my fellow man. I show my humility when I show my desire to make a change in society so that we all as human beings can progress in this cold yet exciting world. But more often than that, I must wear my armor, which is confidence and pride. If people don't like it, I've definitely done something right. So if it ain't broke don't fix it, carry on. i have to go work this shitty 9 to 5 now. Zero Fucks Given.
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Two-In-One Post: Everyone Has A Hustle & Improvements

Monday, May 14, 2012
Everyone Has A Hustle

It's funny and cool how everyone has a hustle now. I mean it's probably been like this before I even started my business, but since I have started one, it has definitely become more apparent how everyone is out chasing success. Fortunately for me, many of those folks with hustles have them pretty stupid hustles. That's not to say my business is all that like a bag of chips, but I can honestly say that my business is definitely legit and has a high chance of becoming extremely valuable.

For example, I had a friend write me on Facebook, congratulating me on my business and how he's noticing how hard I am working. He's making me feel really good and it really meant a lot to me because sometimes it seems as if nobody is noticing how hard I am working at this. So, I reply back saying thanks and all of that good stuff and just generally making small talk.So he replies back to me asking for some sort of advice or "help" with his "business" (and you'll find out shortly why I put "business" in quotations). So I ask him what it is that I can do to help him, because I am always open to help a friend who's serious about starting up a biz. So he writes this LONG ASS essay about some sort of financial business that he's doing and he's helping seniors with their finances and how there's a meeting that night and he wants me to come out to see what the meeting is all about. It screams MLM. And I do not like MLM's. Matter of fact, I almost hate MLM's. And what I hate more in MLM's are the sheep that flock to that shit in droves, expecting to just chill their way to a million bucks by having friends sign up on their bullshit pipeline.

So I ask if it's an MLM (they seem to hate that question ha.ha) and I respectfully decline to go to this "meeting" (see: Seminar). I played it nice as to not let him down too hard. Well he doesn't write back, at all. But before all of that, he was writing back within like 30 seconds. Yeah, you're not getting a piece of my pay that I am working so hard to cook, motherfucker. I ain't mad, because I know after a while, he will realize how much he's losing out on that MLM, and he'll probably kick himself for not starting a real business. No offense to MLM's of course. Just not a fan of them.

Everyone has a hustle, many of them, very dumb, stupid ass hustles. 


Since getting this part time sales job, I have lost a tremendous amount of fat, and have gained back a considerable amount of muscle. I feel confident again and I no longer feel like a fat nobody. Thankfully. Plus, since I no longer indulge in alcohol, my fat loss has been rapid. I'm loving it. I think this boost in confidence again will help me build this business faster than I expect. I look back almost 2 years ago, when I first started. I was drinking a lot, I didn't look very good, and my mind was a foggy mess. I floated through life at the time. I was eating like a pig also, which obviously messes with the sharpness of the mind as well due to the toxins I was taking in. I almost look the part of a business owner now. My good looks will also definitely help with networking as well, because let's be honest, good looks+knowledge+sharpness+charm = easy door open to anywhere. For some reason, people assume fit people have some sort of wealth, so I will play that card hard. 

My confidence is at the highest it's been in years. Not to mention how sharp my mind is now, giving me the ability to fire back at questions with precision. Now I feel like I am going to be successful, before I was just wondering and guessing if I will be or not. This time though, I will not gain this weight back, I said it before 3 times, gained it back all those times, made me very angry, very angry. Now temptation is not around at home, and with alcohol out of the equation, it just gives me a leg up on fitness.

Another improvement would my wallet. It's actually seeing some action again, and with that, I actually feel like I am doing something productive again. That's all for the night. Good night America.
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OFF TOPIC: Being An Accidental Asshole

Friday, May 11, 2012
I don't even know how to start this. So I'll just let my fingers do all of the typing while my brain still tries to gather the thoughts and while my emotions try their best to keep their composure...

This isn't really business related, but this does involve my character, which in a way is very relevant to business, because to be successful in business, one must possess at least half of a good character.

Firstly, My Mom 

I love my mom. ALOT. I mean she raised me, taught me, made me the person I am today. I remember being a kid and she used to almost beat my ass whenever I didn't speak proper English. She always taught me to speak well and to have manners. Class. Because my dad was at a pretty good rank in the military, my family were able to afford a pretty decent lifestyle. Almost upper Middle Class, by 90's standards. I was a spoiled little somethin' but I rarely bitched and whined over things. Okay I bitched and whined over things, not like all of the other spoiled kids I grew up around.

My Mom grew up super pour. Had to drop out of school to pick cotton with the rest of her family, because that's what payed the bills. Because of that, she wasn't able to get a full education, which in fact, affects her to this day. They lived in a sort of cabin home that had little electricity. I've been in that house she grew up back in when I was a kid, and I remember that house feeling just like a black version of little house on the prairie type of place. Old School stuff. So my mom came up in a very tiny country town, a town where the Klan would sell them candy with a smile on their face during the day, and they'd ride their horses and burn crosses in the Black folks' yards at night.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, my mom grew up very poor and has made some strides in life. She's lived in Virginia, Georgia, California and Florida. All back in the 70's. She's done some pretty cool shit in life. Cooler shit than I have done really.

So with that said, I ask myself "Why was a such an asshole at times to my mom?" Granted, there are the arguments and the disagreements, but that's with all families, but still I feel guilty as hell about the times I just blew up on her and said nasty things to her. I can say sorry, but I can never truly bring those things back.

I think back on that day we had a BAD argument about 3 weeks ago, when she overheard me say that I wanted to crush her face in, I almost want to cry. My eyes get hot and watery because I hurt her feelings, so bad. I hurt her feelings so bad that after we walked my dog and argued, she no longer wanted to go the gas station and cash her lottery ticket in. Thinking back now, it shocked me. I didn't know I could hurt her feelings that way. After all she went through, and all she's done for me, I do this. It's unforgivable really. I truly think that when we got back home, and she said "I'm going to go outside and water the grass", I think she cried. And that hurts me so much. It slices through my emotional stability like a knife. I really wanted to kill myself for being such an asshole. I hate myself, even right now, and it fucks with me every time I think about it.  I love my mom, I'd do anything for her, even if I had to sacrifice my life for hers, I would. I wish I wasn't such an asshole to her at times, and I wished that all those we've had arguments, I wished that I could just say nothing and just let her have her own opinion, even if they were wrong. Only thing I can do and just live each day like it never happened, be nice to her, talk to her when she needs someone to talk to, and help her with things that she needs help with. I'm trying my best right now, it feels good, but my mind still dwells on that day I hurt her feelings really bad. She loves me, she loves my girl, and I know she's proud of me with my business, the least I can do is show love back and be a decent son to her. I will never again be an asshole to her. never. 

Secondly, My girl, ALJ 

I don't want to say her name, because this blog is still partially private. I don't mind readers, but I don't want past business partners and clients looking this up and judging me on this...yet. 

Anyway, ALJ. I love her, a ton. Just like my mom, I'd sacrifice my life for her as well, if it meant saving hers. She's my better half. Or my better whole, since sometimes I feel like I'm not even half a decent human being.  

I've been an asshole to her too, a number of times. And that guilt haunts me to this day too. I've done stupid shit to her, and I've said stupid shit to her too, and I regret all of those things. I have to sleep at night with that regret in my mind, every night. I love that girl, and she loves me, but a lot of times I know I can do better to be a better person to her, and for her.  

She struggles a lot, and thinking about how rough she's had her life, makes me tear up and cry sometimes, I admit. I mean she's a great person, but damn it why does she have to live a rough life? It's not fair at all. Her family are great people, but yet they're all struggling and not living the life they deserve. Does bad luck really exist? Is it one of those things where, a great grandfather made a pact with the devil for riches and power, but the pact ended up going sour and the punishment was that every other generation has to suffer misfortune? Who knows.

But I do know, looking at her situation almost makes me question if God actually exists. No Christian or Muslim can justify why a good person has to suffer. It doesn't make any God damned sense. 

Anyway, she wants to do this damn marriage things. And you know what? I do too. I've always wanted to, but I put it off a bit just so I can line my eggs up just right, so we can make off with a great lifestyle of comfort and wealth. And it doesn't take a million dollars to do it, it just takes a steady income stream. My vision is to be married, working a part time job a bit while making a steady income stream from a business. I know it can happen, I've seen it happen with my own eyes. 

*relevant side not* I remember this older guy in a neighborhood right by mine. I believe he was married and had kids. Had a little ass house, but seemed content with it. He HAD A FUCKING LAMBORGHINI IN HIS LITTLE GARAGE. I am quite sure he makes a ton of money, he's just happier in that little ass house. 

I want us to be like that. Steady income stream, being married and just chillin'. The millions of dollars will come later, I am cool with that.  

So yeah, I want to marry her, I really couldn't imagine being with any other girl. Because I am with her and we're pretty much made for each other. I am improving myself and I want her to improve too. And I know she can, she's not stupid and she's not lazy like these other girls out here in society. She's been losing weight almost steadily and I'm proud as fuck of her for that, she doesn't notice it, but I DO. She doesn't have to skinny, skinny is gross to me, I just want her at a healthy weight. We marry healthy, we stay healthy. I don't want to be one of those married couples that get too comfortable with the marriage that they just get fat and look nasty. That's nasty as fuck. 

And I still want the sex to be great while we're married. I don't want to be married and just have regular ass sex just 'cause we're married. I still like oral, giving and receiving, I love me some 69's (that's heaven for me, just thinkin' about it gets me goin') and I still love just spreadin' those thick thighs and goin' down like it's the last meal, though I got lazy on that. Marriage better not destroy that, but hey maybe it won't

Anyway, those two special ladies in my life, I love to death. I've been an asshole to both of them, and I really didn't mean that, I just don't think sometimes, but then again, there was the alcohol thrown in the equation, and since I don't drink anymore, my brain finally feels sharp again, and I definitely have the gift of reasoning back. Thankfully. They were both there with me when I almost killed myself with that poison, so I owe them my life honestly. We're all humans, I know that I ain't perfect in the least, but I know that every day I can be a better person for them, and that I do have control over whether or not I will say or do anything wrong to them. I love them, a lot and the last thing I want to do is hurt them. Their tears are my tears too, and I work my ass off to make sure that all of the bad things we all went through will be a thing of the past, we WILL have a great lifestyle and I will stop at nothing to secure a lifestyle of wealth for ALL of us. 

That's all folks (Porky Pig style hehe).

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Fear, What A Waste Of Energy

Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Back when I was younger, which honestly was only like 7 years ago, as I am still only 26 now, I use to be scared of everything, I mean I was scared of situations gone wrong, scared of pissin' people off, and scared of confrontation.

I'll tell ya, when your pockets are empty, and you're on a piss-stained hotel sofa bed barfin' your brains out because you've poisoned yourself with alcohol, staring death right in its face, it makes you not give a fuck. I no longer give any fucks. And I guess it shows on my face. I notice the reactions I get now from others when I think shit is about to go down. Instead of run away, I FACE THAT SHIT HEAD ON. I feel like, okay, you want to blow up this spot, WELL LET'S BLOW IT THE FUCK UP, WE'RE ALL GONNA GO DOWN BITCH. 

When I got this part time sales job, selling high end computers and tablets, I'm not gonna lie, I was terrified. I was scared. I was thinking in my head damn I have to deal with people again, I'm going to have to sell, they're going to get annoyed by me. But when I thought about it, when I thought about how I own a business and this job is only a fraction of my life, that this isn't going to be my job forever, I got motivated. Then I remembered almost dying in Orlando, and I was like FUCK THAT, LET'S GET IT!

I am a business owner, I've never heard of a successful businessman who didn't emphasize sales. I never heard of a business self made millionaire businessman who sucked at sales. Success in busines and sales almost go hand in hand. So I'm in my groove, what I learn on the job, I apply it to my business. Simple as that.

Let's crank this shit up to eleven, it's going to be one hell of an explosion. Come at me. 
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Retail Hell? Why Not Heaven?

Sunday, May 6, 2012
So I went out and got myself a part time job. In Sales. The type of job I have nightmares about. Sales. Sales jobs always scared me, I used to try my best to avoid sales positions. Especially in the Retail environment.
Ironically, being a business owner in the clothing retail industry, I never was a good seller, and my past failures at sales jobs made me terrified of them. You'd think, someone who owns a business such as mine would be a great seller. A gifted Seller. Nope. I never was a strong seller.

So, what did I do? Get a job in sales! Yup. That's exactly what I did. it's funny, because I am a month in, and I love this job! See, being an entrepreneur who dropped out of college, I had to find some way to learn. Some way of education that had hands on experience at the same time. For free. So getting a job in sales is just that! Free education, hell, they're even paying me to learn this stuff.

I was scared at first, very scared. Rejection always scared me. It always bothered me. I often questioned if I was ever going to be a good seller. Until now, I have to question no longer, because each and every day I'm learning a ton and sharpening my sales skills everyday. I never thought I'd be happy doing a sales gig.


One of the main concerns, when I first started this part time job was, am I going to have enough time to build my business while working? I was scared shitless that I was going to get lazy due to this job and just forget about my company. I was terrified about that, because then I'd be laying my dreams, goals and aspirations to rest. But really, I think that this job increases the motivation.

Though I'm not working on it too much right now, I think I will be grinding away this next couple months, starting this week. I'm getting closer to my goals, I feel it. Everyday I go in to work this part time job, my energy is always cranked up to 9000 (LOL nerd joke) and I'm always going the extra mile. Why? Because I am a business owner. I AM A FUCKING BUSINESS OWNER. 

Everyday that fuel is burning. I meet new people every day because of this job and I"m going to take advantage of that as I progress each day. Retail can be hell, but I feel like it's HEAVEN. I have fun everyday, and each da my sales skills get better and better, I"m impressing myself!

This Year though, is going to be a great year for me and my business, I FEEL IT!
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I never want to hear the word "Hard" again.

Sunday, April 8, 2012
-The Most Annoying Sound In The Word- 

Often times, during my researching, I will come across different social platforms, including but not limited to message boards. There's usually a good amount of knowledge on message boards, IF you can distinguish the good posts from all of the garbage posts. Many times I'll see someone post a question about starting in the clothing business and asking for advice. 

Usually, before someone gives advice, it almost always starts with "clothing is one of the hardest businesses to break in". And every time I see that, my anger just hits the roof. It's annoying as hell. I mean, this happens at different websites, I know it can't be one person, that'd take a lot of effort for just one individual.

It annoys me because, it almost sounds as if they're saying that business in general is easy. IT'S FUCKING NOT. So why do they always start with "it's one of the hardest to break in". Give me a break. I believe it's hard for those who don't do their due diligence. Sure, it takes some clever marketing. Yeah, you may have to "know" somebody, but they're not all required to accumulate customers.

In business, the main key is this: get a customer. That's it. It's that basic. Of course there are factors for things just as scaling, accounts payable, taxes etc. But they're factors, just small bits and pieces to make a big picture. But the key to succeed is: Have Customers. I think people look at clothing like they look at Hollywood. In Hollywood, you usually have to know someone or suck a considerable amount of dick to be able to get casted in high-ticket projects. But business, is different. Because we own our businesses. We don't need directors, there are no agents. All we need is to create a good product and create some sort of demand or need. That is all.

I'm sick and tired of hearing this "it's the hardest biz to make it in" and other nonsense. No business is easy. If it were, everyone in my neighborhood would be driving in Ferrari's, Lamborghini's, and Bugatti's (oh my). It's tough, it's a challenge, and it doesn't happen overnight. But, it's not as hard as some make it. Maybe I'm just so motivated every day that I don't see it, maybe I've been through the hardest part already, I don't know, but I DO know that, clothing especially isn't as hard as they say. Many fail because they gave up, they stopped on their own. Many just didn't have the patience. BUT, a lot of people don't have a Fastlane mindest when it comes to business. Many just believe "if you build it, they will come", when really it's like "build it, scale it, push it aggressively on the market and they will come and stay for a while".

My mindset is this, it can't be hard when your goal is to make as much money as fast as you can. Be aggressive with it and always change product. It's all perception. When the market sees your company changing with the seasons, whether the previous products sold or not, it gives them the perception that, your company is doing good because it always has something new. On top of that, with my fastlane mentality, my method of business will make me richer quicker, thus giving me the ability to be able to scale as much as possible as quick as possible. Like a general mobilizing his soldiers even before the big conflict happens.

I don't know, that's just how I feel. I know that business isn't easy, but life ain't easier neither, and I'm still here. I'm still alive. So I know that business can't be too bad. If I'm wrong, hell, at least I tried and learned an expensive lesson.
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It's all a joke, and they're in on it, just don't know it...

Thursday, April 5, 2012
-And They Sit There, Beers In Hand, Talking Nonsense, And They Call That Business-

"...and they sit there, just talking ideas over beers and they call that Business" -Me

These people are a joke. J-O-K-E. I don't even mean this in an insulting way, I mean it in an objective way. I know this because I once was part of the joke. Sitting there drinking beers, just talking ideas, not even talking about action and we called that a "business meeting". Fucking stupid. Fucking stupid, I was. Even though I subtracted myself out of the equation, these people are still carrying on with this habit. And it's OK, because I'm behind the scenes slowly building my weapon, secretly training myself, reading, researching, doing things over and over again until it is second nature to me.

See, it's all a joke, and they're in on the joke, they just don't know it yet. They think what they're doing isn't a joke, but in reality, it is a joke. Though, we call this a game, or The Game, it is in reality far from it. The complete opposite. It's Life Or Death to me. I may have fun from time to time, but it's still Life Or Death. I'm willing to die trying to achieve success, I'm willing to endure pain, embarrassment, shame, sorrow. I know it's a big pay off in the end.

Today, I had to sit and reflect on that. I have to count my inventory today and prepare to raise more capital to have production start within the month or two so I can have a fall release. I'm ready for this shit. Ha, yeah they say it should be fun, well look at the smile on my fucking face. Pure Bliss.
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It's Always Best Served...chilled.

Monday, April 2, 2012
-Served Chilled With a Hint Of Lime-

It's been a while since I posted, a lot has happened in these past couple of weeks and I almost got lost in the sea of life. Heh, I like that.

Well, as usual, the topic is usually of the vengeful variety, but hell, it's my blog and I can write whatever I please. I suppose my mind stays on the topic, because well, there's nothing better in life than to see your enemies brought before you as you sit highly on your throne that you dutifully worked so hard for. To see your enemies look at you with shock and bewilderment and confusion asking themselves the burning question...."why won't this person give up?". 

Each and every day, I make it a mission to make this a reality. I have taken dives because of these people and I will stop at nothing to achieve more than they have and more than they ever will. I sacrificed time and energy just to be used and abused and treated as their personal design army. So, I take it upon myself to put my foot on their necks and apply pressure little by little, restricting their ability to breathe, a tiny bit at a time.

-Better To Rule In Hell Than To Serve In Heaven-

I think I'm going tattoo that quote on my body somewhere, because that quote alone just motivates the hell out of me. I'd rather to be a king of nothing than to serve another. This is why I do this, this is why I love to be in business, because even though it's a high risk, I'd rather fail trying to own a company than to succeed being an employee of another. I want my own Kingdom. 

People don't realize why I am the way I am: motivated, always thinking of business, thinking of ways to make business easier and more efficient. Because I am obsessed with building and own an Empire.

Which is relevant to the reason why I am trying to serve the stiff drink of Payback. Because these people wanted to use me as their own servant of their own kingdom with the false promises of helping me and my Empire in the making. Not going to happen, I will stop at nothing to crush all of those around me, and after I crush those empires, I will set fire to the ground on which they once stood. 

Progress: Progressing.

Goodnight...for now.
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Applying Pressure...

Sunday, March 25, 2012
Even though I've known this already, I guess I can say that I'm re-learning this lesson.

-You Have To Be An Asshole To Achieve Millions- 

Not being an asshole per se. Not the kick-the-dog for no reason asshole. But a more of a I'll-be-completely-honest-with-you-and-I-don't-care-if-I-make-you-mad-or-hurt-your-feelings kind of asshole. You know the ones that actually say what's on their minds and doesn't lie to avoid confrontation. Even though I've done and said my share of asshole-ish things, I have to admit that much of it was unjustified and was just for the sake of being an asshole. That for which I apologize to those who were affected by it. 

But I mean more so being the one that just really gets the message across of what I really want and if I don't get how I want, then I apologize that we couldn't work out a deal. I think I got caught up in the hype before and just went with whatever I assumed was going to work. I've always been known to run blindly into things when I was younger, but I thought I'd have grown out of it. But I suppose that some habits are just very hard to break.

So I got caught up in the hype and just rolled with whatever these fools wanted to do. My how foolish have I become. But it is okay because I at least noticed this problem before I got too deep into it. But it still pisses me off from time to time which is the reason I talk about this often.

After seeing this rapper sort of go through something similar with music rights and such, but on a higher level, meaning there was big $$$ involved, I know now that I really have to treat this as what it is: a business. I need written NDA's and things of that nature. Contracts, I need to bind you, so if you don't deliver, then lawyers get involved.

I know I'm not the best....yet, but I need to protect the intellectual property I do have and protect the little talents and skills I do possess. You can't own talent and skill...right?
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Don't Try to Use Me and Expect For Me To...

Sunday, March 25, 2012
Come back to you.

It's like those girls who use guys for their own selfish needs and expect them to stay and/or come back after the split. Nah, once you're done, you're done, move on, get a new b*tch.

-You Only See What I Want You To See-

That's not being "a boss" or being arrogant about things, but that's just good business. Never give them too much, because giving them too much just gives them the opportunity to take more from you. I used to keep myself open, but why? For someone to just take advantage of me? For someone to just assume I'll always be around? One thing is for sure, I won't always be around. That's just good business and life in general. I didn't get what I wanted out of the deal/relationship so why hang around? I'd rather get with someone who actually will give me what I need and consistently deliver. Not just give me what I need once or twice and try to hook me up, I mean consistently give me what I need. 

I'm always the one giving and not receiving. Scratch that, was the one giving and receiving. I'd like to just be receiving once in a while. I digress though.

These folks that I know longer deal with, they hate the fact that I no longer give them access to my processes and updates on what I'm doing with my company. I am not making the mistake of giving too much info and access away again.

So you only know what I want you to know.
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What have you done for me?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I know I dwell on the past, but I do so because it takes time to get over such past events. After thinking about what alcohol has done to benefit me, I was thinking of the people who I've done business with that tried to get over on me.

-What Have You Done For Me?-

It's a simple question, but those who are guilty of the offense will never give a simple answer. When I have went out of my way for you and your business, when I would stop working on my own business to help yours, what have you done for me? Why was I the one coming out of pocket when it came time for you to help me? Doesn't make sense.

When I would give awesome tips and suggestions, when I would solve your problems, what have you done for me?

It's a cut throat world, and I'm walking around with my head half-attached. I am bemused at the fact that I have to go around slashing throats myself just to get ahead in this business. At least in my city. Once I start to branch out to other cities, I wonder how the competition will be then...Poppa has a brand new dagger.

What, Have You, Done For, Me.
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*OFF TOPIC TIME* I Have A Problem

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
-I Have A Problem-

...And no it's not a deficiency of Cowbell, if anyone gets that joke reference. It's actually alcohol. Yup I am an alcoholic. Now I just gave it up going on two days ago now. I've given it up before but it crept back up on me. But at that time, I didn't admit I had a problem. I believe now, since I admit that I have a problem, it will be a lot easier for me to not relapse. Granted yeah, I'll have a drink from time to time, but that will be more like once or twice a month, that's it, and I'm even debating whether I should do it that much.

When I went on vacation with my mom and sister, I think my addiction peaked. Because they were inconsiderate of my fear of heights, and my sister's lack of mental soundness due to her own addiction to her cheating husband, they got a hotel on the top floor of the hotel. They didn't think to reserve a lower floor before we even left town. So here I am, a big ass bottle of liquor and a bottle of cranberry juice. Every time I had to go downstairs, I would drink. Well it seemed like a good plan, until I got into the hot tub. Because of the heat and the sweating, the effects of the alcohol amplified. I mean I was seeing double of everything, my head was pounding, and I couldn't walk in a straight line for jack. It was scary. I made it back up to my hotel surprisingly. But when I got there, I got hungry. I was alone in the hotel. I started hallucinating, seeing things. I looked in the mirror and I seen a person that was not me. I didn't recognize this man, and it scared the shit out of me. Then I went into the other room of our suite in the pitch dark, just trippin' balls.

So I went to get some food, where I grabbed a glass container that contained mashed potatoes. I couldn't hold on to it, so I dropped it. Glass everywhere. I tried to eat the glass! That's when I knew that I hit rock bottom.

I called my girl and wanted to stay on the phone with her forever. I felt like if I got off the phone, I would die. I think she saved my life. I then had the worst night I have ever had. I threw up so much stuff, it was scary. I threw up brown stuff and red stuff. And it hurt like hell when I threw up, I even almost choked on my own vomit at one point. I told myself that I couldn't live like this anymore.

-How The Hell Did This All Happen?!-

I think for starters, in recent times, I think all of life's pressures just got to me. I didn't want to conform to society's norm. Society wants me to find a job, get married in my 20's and live this miserable mediocre life. My girl doesn't understand it, she just wants to be married, society has brainwashed her so bad, I pretty much give up explaining why I just couldn't get married yet. She's surrounded by it, her friends, relatives, everything, her environment just breeds this whole culture of family's living in shitty means but married young and living the sad blue collar life.

I lived a different life and the culture surrounding me coming up was a lot different. I was brought up around class. But due to my dad's death, living the classy life was gone. I haven't lived the classy life in a while, but I still have the desire to live that. If I got married young, my dreams to pursue that lifestyle will be crushed. And I think I'd divorce, or worse, fall deeper in my addiction.

I was not satisfied with my life for a while. I questioned every day, whether this path I have taken is the right one. It sucks when you want one thing, but no one else wants it. Is this the reason why entrepreneurs are single for so long before they reach success? No one to get in the way of their dreams?

Relationships are a lot of work, I do everything in my power to make my relationship work, but I always get that it's never enough. So I drink to numb it, because I would of just ran away otherwise. I got tired of the times when saying "I love you" just ain't enough. "I miss you" ain't enough. Or for a long while, we didn't agree on the ideas of marriage, or the fact that my girl just has to marry before she's old. Just wanted to say "fuck it all" and leave.

Now on to the family. For a long while, as much as I love my family, I just kept saying that one day, I'll leave and say "I have no family". Because of my sister's husband, shit has been upside down for us. I became a raging alcoholic, my mom became, and still is, addicted to the lottery. My sister is addicted to him. My brother...well he was probably the only sane one through this whole thing. Which is ironic because he is by the far the strangest, most introverted and easy-to-stress person I know.

My mom shouldn't have let them move back in. I saw it coming the first day and she just yelled at me and accused me of just being mad and complaining. Ha, I have the last laugh. He's been doing grimy shit since day one. My mom never thinks. It seems she never wants to think, she's not educated and has never tried hard enough to get educated. I have to help her spell things all the time. She can't really read well, but she think she knows everything. And sometimes I still think she's smarter than me, at life. Being that she's been around longer than me and has experienced a LOT more things than I have.

My sister's husband was splitting the family up. It was like he was bad luck. I truly believe he was bad luck only because my mom let him in. If she didn't let him in, our lives would have been better. He's an alright guy, he even said bye to me on his way out last night when he got kicked out. But I think he needs to grow up and stop bringing negativity and misfortune to others.


Now, my addiction is all me. My fault, my girl didn't force me to drink, my mom didn't force me to drink, no one did, I forced myself to drink. These things I said, is not placing blame on them for my drinking, just symptoms to my sickness. I drank to cope with the situations, I drank to numb the pain of just not being good enough for anybody. I was so used to not having anybody pressure me, or anybody stress me out. Hell, I was alone for 5, almost 6 years. No one to answer to, no one telling me what I should do, what they want, it was about me. It hasn't been about me for a long time. I feel cheated out of life right now. Why does no one care about my goals? My life? Alcohol was there, Alcohol seemed like it cared. But Alcohol betrayed me. 

But now I want my life back...scratch that, I'm ready to start my new life. No more drinking to cope with the pain, the depression, the stress. If someone stresses me out, well I will have to part ways with them. Leave for a while. If a situation stresses me out, I will just think more, analyse why I feel that way about the situation. 

I ain't perfect. Yeah I've done questionable things for lack of judgement, but I still have to hear about the error of my ways in some form or another. I tried to escape those things, but now I no longer will run away from any problems. Hell, the people that give me problems never run away from me, they run at me, so I will run at them. I have to care about myself again, I can no longer try to care about anyone else, when I'm getting the shit end of the stick. Me admitting I have a problem and kicking the addiction is me caring about me again. 

My business is me caring about me again. Well...nevermind. I started my business so I could help others, really. Yeah I like to make a lot of money, but making a ton of money isn't fun if you can't use it to help others out as well. I cannot achieve that being an alcoholic. 

I think after giving up the alcohol, I will become a more fun person again. I used to have a lot of fun, I don't anymore. I used to be around fun people, when's the last time I had a night that I could never forget? That was years ago. I mean atleast 6-7 years ago. The past few years, I have been trying to have fun under the sluggish haze of alcohol. I have tried to force fun, but it didn't work. 

I'm getting back in good shape again, I'm looking better each day now, but now I know after giving up the alcohol, I'm going to be looking even better quicker! I want my girl to get in shape with me too, I want us both looking good! We can't get married in the current shape we're in, we'll blow up and both me fat as shit, and unattractive. 

I'm ready for my new life, I already have the people I love around me, I'm not looking to make new friends, I'm not looking to drop anybody from my life to "start anew", because that's bullshit. I'm just ready to start Life 2.0 and upgrade my lifestyle and environment without sacrificing anyone I love. 

That is all.
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A Higher Level Pt.2 - Our Own Rules

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
-"...This Time, When I play this game, I'll be playing by my own rules"- 

I remember playing little games with all my friends and other neighborhood kids. We'd play tag, freeze tag, dance tag, hide and seek, hide in plain sight but in the dark, Tackle-loco (which is tag, but with a football but instead everyone but the ball carrier is it), and pretty much any type of variant of tag you could think of.

I remember whoever started the game, or rather, whoever's house we were at, was the unofficial captain of the damn game. This meant they could make up and/or revise the rules however they see fit. Which usually ended up in fights, because fuck your rules. Why do you get to have a say in whatever I do and however I play? Then, those of who get pissed up, would just go back to our own respective front yards and play our own games and play by our own rules.

And that's why, as of this morning after a pretty decent workout outside, I declare that I seriously play by my  own rules. I'm for real this time. Everything I do, will be done because I think and believe it is the right thing to do. I will do those things and make decisions based on how much will benefit my company and my team and future employees. My rules, I make them, I play by them and I will change them however I see fit. There will be no more, "hey what do you guys think of this?" or no more "hey, do you think this is a smart move?". I'm a smart person, who has always done his own due diligence and research, so I think I am smart enough to know whether it's good or not; or whether it's smart or not.

-Stress Is Like Allowing That Annoying Bratty Little Kid Affect You With His Little Childish Words-

Seriously, I've been letting that annoying little shit's words affect me for years now. What the hell, dude? After I  came to that realization while meditating in the woods in my backyard, it really woke up like a smack to the face. Like someone throwing searingly hot coffee on my crotch. I really smartened up on the spot. I amazed myself, really.

Even in life, I am going to commit to playing by my own rules. I'm not going to let anybody make my decisions for me, and I certainly won't let anyone pester me into going their way. For one, when I get up in the morning, I will tell myself I will play by my own rules today and everyday after it. It's like a drug addict in the 12 steps program, every day they quit today. There really is no I quit a week ago and I'm still going good. No, it's more like I quit a week ago, I quit yesterday, I quit today and I will quit tomorrow and day after that and so on and so forth. I will be like that, every day I will start to play my own rules.

-If You Have To Ask, Then We Aren't For You-

Okay, so I've been working on my clothing company's new image, new brand, and new mission statement. I finally came to terms with it all. I won't lie, though I am seriously excited about the new image and re-launch,  I was little nervous about it, because I know I will have to answer questions and always put forward what we are about. But now I'm not anymore, I'm ready.

I know a lot up and coming brands are trying to push this exclusivity thing based on their limited quantities, which is cool, but I will be going about it a different way. A different method. Sure, we will have limited quantities, which is just smart for us at the moment due to our budgeting and overhead costs, but I won't really mention that. It's mainy because, one day, I do want to wholesale my products to different retailers, though only selected retailers,  but nonetheless I do want to wholesale. But really what I will do is be of a sort of snobby variety, like if you have to ask what this means, then we aren't for you or If you have to ask how much or why our products cost more than other brands, then we aren't for you . And that's not pretentious, because I sure as hell ain't pretendin'. I'm really serious about it, and due to past experiences of trying to please everyone, I know for sure I will 100% real behind it. I'm not going to claim I"m super exclusive, or that we're better than others. What I am claiming is we have our own culture, our own image, our own following so if you're with it, get the fuck out our way. It's like a Lamborghini dealer, if you walk up in there, asking how much the Aventador or Murcielago is, or that you're not into exotics you just wanted to know what it's all about, then you will promptly asked to leave. That's us, that's who we are, we're about luxury, success and simplicity so if you're not about that, then please get the fuck out of our store and get off of our website.

If You Have To Ask, Then Sorry, We Aren't For You.
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The Sweetest Revenge x Random Thoughts Mini-episode 1 1½

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
-The Sweetest Revenge- going about my business not attempting to get revenge at all. It sounds like a weird catch-22 type of thing, but hear me out, I'm getting the sweetest revenge by not trying to get revenge. It bothers those who have done you wrong when you display the fact that you're not bothered by it at all. It irks them when you're just going about your existence without trying to get revenge. Here they are, losing sleep, paranoid, keeping one eye open, scared shitless that you're going to try to get revenge on them. But when it shows that you clearly aren't trying to, they've realized that they've wasted a few extra heartbeats and flutters, they're wasted a lot of sweat because of their nervousness, and they lost a bit of their mind due to lack of sleep. I cracked myself up with that one, definitely going to write that down in a notepad and use it whenever I have meetings with future clients.

Anyway, I've been silently building my brand and company and have been marketing in a way that the certain people I don't want to see it, won't see it. I mean, they won't see it until this shit blows up. Real bosses move in silence.

-Random Thoughts mini-episode 1 1/2-

So it was AMAZING seeing that an owner of a very big streetwear brand liked my crewneck sweater design. I felt like jumping through the roof!

It makes no sense that i let the most littlest things stress me out so much.

This vacation I'm about to take should help me release the little negative energy I have left in my soul. It should help me rejuvenate.

I find myself wishing I was married already, because it seems like society bends over backwards for married couples.

I find myself distancing away from those who I view of "trashy" and just really ghetto-ish. I used to love that, but not anymore.

I ran the numbers on how much inventory I'm going to be producing, I think it looks pretty good and I think it will keep my costs down for sure.

I feel really good and excited about the fact that clothing company finally has an image and direction. It's unfortunate it took me almost two years to figure it out.

I need to get my sleep schedule back on track.

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I Like Being Under Appreciated

Monday, March 12, 2012
-I Like Being Under Appreciated-
Seriously, no sarcasm involved!  I enjoy when people expect me to always be there and I enjoy when they always assume I'm doing to do whatever they request or desire. Because it enables to disappoint them greatly. When you always assume and expect me to be your little personal whatever, I will go out of my way to show you how you're taking me for granted. I'm like that drug dealer, who sells to his addicts at low low prices for a period time, then when they're hooked on that good shit, he jacks up the price. What're the addicts going to do? Find a new dealer? You kidding me? Finding a new dealer is even harder, it's like trying to find a new girlfriend/boyfriend. You have to feel them out, you have to figure out whether the new dealer is a cop or not, all of that stuff that comes with. So the dealer let's the addicts know: I know you're used to me selling you at low prices, I know you expected me to always sell to you at low prices, so I jacked up the price to give a wake up call, ya junkie. 

That's how it is in my line of work. I was working for different folks, designing for them for an awesome deal, then when they expected and assumed I was their little personal army, I gave them a wake up call. 

I don't play that game. I'm not someone's bitch boy, and I won't settle for nothing less than what I think I am worth. Which is, I am worth business. When you didn't want people to know that I designed those pieces, when you wanted to take all the credit, when you pretty much told me to stay behind the scenes so that you can take all of the shine, well, I had to be that nice warm cup of Foldgers. 

You see, I can't get any business when people don't even know who fuck I am. That's what irked me the most. I can't get any new customers or a customer base when people don't even who I am and what I do. If someone says "man I love that shirt, I'm thinking of starting my own line, who did your work? Can I contact him?" You're supposed to say "Yeah man, I appreciate that, yeah I got a dude who also owns a line of his own and he does some design work for me, here's his phone number/email, hit em up". No, you want to be on some I did it all myself or something like, I have an artist that does all my stuff, and don't give any info on who the artist is. Ghetto, trifling mindset, I tell you.

I don't feel entitled to anything...hold up, I DO FELL ENTITLED TO THINGS, because why? I PUT IN WORK! I don't just sit around complaining, I suck it up and do work! That's what I do.

But when you're expecting or assuming that I do something for you, I atleast feel entitled to some sort of monetary compensation or a shout out or credit or something. What the hell you think I got in business for?

I don't do this for my health, I'll tell you that much
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I'm actually excited for this year's release.

Sunday, March 11, 2012
So I've been hard at work, designing and really taking it slower than before. Instead of cranking out like 30 designs a day like I used to, I'm more cranking 1 or 2 every 3 days or so. I'm really taking the time out and looking at what direction I want my line to be, and what message am I trying to send with each piece.

I'm no longer doing the whole "well, this idea is dope, so I'm a design it!" no it's more so "well, my brand stands for this, it means that, so I'm going to design and build each design accordingly". I'm doing it right.

I was talking to my brother about the folks I used to deal with. I was telling him about how they were always just rushing their processes trying to get a quick buck. But to me, and I'm sure I'm atleast 80% right, a quick buck doesn't have any lasting power. I mean yeah, you'll make money for a certain time period, but you're not going to have a company bringing in good revenue consistently if you're all about the quick buck.

I'm not about the quick buck, I'm all about creating a brand, that will be consistent and one that will always strive to bring new stuff to the table. I mean, I hope to bring in 6 digits a year consistently. You don't get there going the "quick buck" route. Atleast that's how I feel. But it still isn't an excuse to be slow on things, because even though I'm taking my time this time around, I still want to get back in the market as soon as humanly possible. I will for sure have to spend some serious $$$ to do it, but fuck it, I'm going all out on it this time around, all out.
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Having Focus Seems To Be Less Common These Days...

Saturday, March 10, 2012
Do People Even Have Focus anymore?

Not to brag or sound like I'm most perfect person in the world (because I am the opposite of perfect), but a lot of times I feel like I am the most focused person around. For example, when I was trying to do "business" with DWS, I swear I was the only one that was focused all those times. For example, whenever I'm really trying to brainstorm with him and really get some ideas out on finding a direction, he was busy glued to his laptop, looking at other peoples' labels and brands. It always stuck in my head, all those times and it definitely made start questioning him early on. No focus. And what it looked like keepingupwithjonesitis, but only business form.

I have an even greater example, I had a client that I was designing for. It was a Company Identity Development, which is, of course, fancy entrepreneur lingo for creating a logo for a company. I mean no disrespect to the owner of it, but geezus la-weezus, this guy had no focus whatsoever. It was like, one moment, he wants a fancy elegant font with some environmental type objects surrounding it, then another moment, he wants it to be more of a fun casual, animated type of logo, then he wants a South Beach style logo, it was just horrendous. I wasn't get paid much for it neither, mainly because we were associates of the same company from back in the day, so I cut him a deal. Well, I cut him a deal before I knew he'd flip flop so much. No Focus. That type of flip flopping would have cost him thousands of dollars and I should have run a bill on him, just to let him know what the deal was. It was crazy.

I forgot where I read it, or who wrote it, but those without focus usually don't end up as successful as those who are focused. I'll admit, I wasn't focused last year, I was all over the place and I knew I was, I just thought I could wing it, like an idiot. These two examples, definitely teaches a lesson on focus. For one, lack of focus just hurts you and your business, because those who you encounter will just be annoyed at your randomness. Potential clients and partners will avoid you like the plague if you're not focused. I definitely learned that lesson.

For example, I'm having a website being built right now, and whenever I talk to the guy whose part of the team building my site, I make sure I have a focus and a certain style that I want, because all of that changing mind and flip flopping is just a waste of time and money if it ever gets that far. I've never been an indecisive person anyway. It got very annoying dealing with those who are. Believe me, I won't deal with those types ever again.
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Saturday, March 10, 2012
I know sometimes people wonder why it takes me so long to release my products. Especially when they see my friends and other brand owners, releasing their products at break-neck speed. While I can only speak for a couple of them, I feel like they are just rushing through their processes just make that profit. They don't really offer anything to their customers except a t-shirt, a hoodie, or a crew neck sweater. There's no feeling of worth, or any sense of being a part of the brand's own culture, etc. It's just, hey here are some new pieces, buy them now!  

There's no sense of community or belonging. Whenever I buy clothing from a certain brand, I'm buying it because I feel like I'm a part of that brand's culture and identity. For example, my favorite brand, Cashletes, when I buy their stuff, not only are their designs really awesome, but I feel like I fit in their culture, the culture of making money and trying to be successful. Same with Ralph Lauren, I don't buy their stuff just because it's Polo, I'm buying their stuff because of the culture around it, their identity, the country club life, the yacht life, elegance.

Same with Wiz Khalifa, even though he's mainly in music, it's still the same. It's the Taylor Gang identity, people listen to Wiz Khalifa because they feel like they're part of his movement, his own crew, Taylor Gang. He created that, the look, the lifestyle, a lil bit slang.

That's why it's taking me a while to roll out the new brand. I'm not just doing 'clothing' anymore, I'm selling a brand, I'm selling a lifestyle, and most importantly I'm selling invites into a culture. I'm engaging heavily in twitter, and once the website launches, I'll be on the site's blog 24/7 with updates on the brand and my travels. It's a thing called Professionalism. 

I feel like, people will respect my company for the effort we put in to this. Because, when someone or a team puts in a ton of effort into creating a product, it's very hard to accuse them of trying to make a quick buck. Hard to accuse them of trying to take your money. It's the ones that pop up out of nowhere that people give the side eye, because they know those pop up folks are always out to make a quick buck and bounce.

Definitely not trying to make a quick buck, that's not longevity, I need that staying power.
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Random thoughts: Episode 1

Saturday, March 10, 2012
1 : I need to figure out a way to have an invite-only feature on my ecommerce site

2 : I shouldn't worry About the competition, only those with passion and knowledge make it and have staying power.

3 : the ones who brag and get the big head are the ones that fail ultimately.

4 I have a skill that everyone wants and only I can reap the benefits of my skill hahahaha!

5 do I even know what color Lamborghini I want yet? That's important!

6 i have 30 days to crank out these designs, plus I'll be on "vacation" so I'll be able to really to get inspired for more luxury based designs and ideas

7 I need figure out how to rent a Lamborghini and a small yacht for the photoshoot.

Thtat is all, goodnight world :)
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The market is saturated!

Thursday, March 8, 2012
But it still doesn't bother me. I mean, I'll be honest, it did at first, but after doing a lot of research and reading, I learned that a good entrepreneur doesn't let that deter him or her from pursuing business in that market.

I think that those who get discouraged at a saturated market, are those who are doing the same thing as the countless others. Have to be able to evolve and change and ADAPT!

That's what I did. I evolved. Everyone was doing the same thing and I was too, until I woke up and asked my self "they're doing that print, I'm doing that print, just because people like theirs, does it mean they will like mine?"

If someone already bought one maybe two different elephant print t shirts, why the hell would they wear mine. Leg alone buy mine at retail price?

Sometimes I worry about saturation. But then I think about all these people who are making millions from iPhone apps, all the new rappers coming up and still making it amongst countless others.

I know I can do it, im just going to carve a lil bit of that market out and call it my own
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I'd like to have employees one day...

Thursday, March 8, 2012
-I'd Like To Have Employees One Day- 

"...I'd like to have employees one day.." I wrote to my friend Deal Went Sour. I laugh my ass off thinking about it, because for one, he never replied, and two, I had finally just let it all out in those communications. I don't know if it was the fact that he and another individual for which I designed were having a Cash confetti party and I wasn't invited, or the fact that I was finally fed up with the messages that he sent me under the guise of "just want to help you". Ehhh, it's probably both, and seriously he got served with an ice cold pint of Fuck off you leeching prick and I was the bartender. Obviously, I would never say that to him ever, because that's just rude, but I did get my message across while still being respectful and polite, at least the best I could, you know it's hard to read emotions through text :). But the fact of the matter is, his way of doing business is just a joke and makes a mockery of the clothing biz. These unofficial "deals" and "ideas" that we made are just plain stupid and not professional at all. The game is changing and I'm sure there was a time when unofficial shit was going down, but not now. Things are fast these days, things are more modern, more mature these days and most can't afford to these hook me up and I'll hook you up deals. Especially when it ends up being just HOOK ME UP. Why would I just hand you $20 dollar bill just for you to give me back quarters? At least hand me back $15 and promise me your respect and merit. Doesn't even have to be a Pinky promise.

If I kept doing these ghetto deals, I'd never be able to build a company, a legit one, with employees. See people that know me, know that I am obsessed with being rich and successful, but I am equally passionate about creating jobs and helping others. I've always had fantasies of being a leader, being a shaker and a mover. I even had dreams about it. I think that's why quite a few  of us are passionate about building a company, we'd love to contribute to society in the biggest way. Especially with the economy the way it is, the way these big corporations are letting people go left and right just to cut costs and save money, the way the government doesn't want to really help its citizens anymore, the way these lenders are cherry picking who they lend to. It is us, the entrepreneur that really change, shape and mold a societal landscape. Y'know if every entrepreneur would have gave in to their negative friends, gave in to their significant others to live give up on the dream and just their stupid ass boring fantasy of a pathetic married and mortgaged existence, given in to the debtors who are calling them 24 fucking 7, there would be no jobs. If you have a job now, there's a very good chance that an entrepreneur started that shit, in a garage or an apartment.

I'd like to have employees some day.

Unfortunately it takes a lot of work and it really makes relationships very hard. Friendships are totally non existent, especially when the culture in my city are the every-friday-saturday-sunday-we-drink-and-party-and -celebrate-our-little-paydays-only-to-do-it-again-next-weekend-and-the-weekend-after-that-and-the-weekend-after-that-and-the-weekend-after-that-....It's a worthless cycle and because I'm working to break that cycle, I don't really get the luxury of going drinking every weekend just to return back to the 9 to 5 life hungover and miserable.

I'd like to be the one, chilling on the beach, making money while I sit in a lounge bar while sipping the finest of beer. Or chillin' in a cabin in the woods, while making money while I sit outside sippin' Guinness beer and smoking a black n mild. 

I only live once, so why do I have to live by the same old stupid ass blueprint of get a job, get promoted, marry while you're young, get a mortgage, die. 

How I make my own like start a business, build the business, re-invest while saving, build the company to sell it, get married, get rich with my wife, travel the world with my wife, take my wife for a ride in my lamborghini, let's all get the family together and go party on the yacht, start another company, build that company, re-invest, go public, hire CEO, sell that company, have some more fun, travel the world some more, purchase bugatti veyron, buy an existing company, make money while I sleep, make a nest egg for my children, die. 

Damn, now one of those really sounds good, hmmm I wonder which one is it?

I'd like to have employees one day...
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Am I still mad? uh, YES!

Thursday, March 8, 2012
 Not as mad as I was, but honestly, I like being mad, it's like gasoline to my car. Fuel to the fire, the pop to the soda, the pep in my step, the sugar to the ca- fuck it you and I get what I'm saying.

-Letting Go is a process-

It's been a internal emotional rollercoaster the past few days, ahem, excuse me, the past week or two, I don't even know what day it is anymore. Honestly, I can't tell time anymore. That's what happens when your bed time is 10 o clock in the morning. 

Anyway, I think my mind and emotions are finally winding down, and my anxiety levels are well on the way back to manageable. If anxiety were lethal, I'd been long dead by now, I swear. But I digress.

So I know that letting go is a process. I should know that by now, having experienced death, heartbreak and disappointments since a young age. But still, it does not stop one from yearning to get over something fast. And it's funny, because the quicker you want to get over something, the more you seem to dwell on it.

I know what I did wrong, and I know what I didn't do, and because of those I know what I should do and be doing now. 

I know my shortcomings and I know what mistakes I made. I do not place blame on anyone else but myself. Without a doubt, it's hard as hell to admit when you're wrong, even harder when someone has to remind you of the wrong things you did, which i seriously can't stand, I deplore it. But I did the hard part and admitted to myself that the mistakes I made were because of me. 

I'm still young, I'm still learning, but I know for a fact that these lessons are just adding more points to my leadership skills. Leadership is definitely one of the most important traits to possess as an entrepreneur. I have a team, therefore, I constantly need to step it up, and my team is definitely going to expand.

But, I'm still a bit mad, and I think it's okay for me to be. Y'know, the friend that I helped, while I still consider him a friend, I just know I won't be going out of my way to say hi, or congratulate him on his business. It won't last. But nonetheless, don't brag to me on how much money you made off something that I practically made. You only changed %15 of the design and now you're the Second coming of LRG. I laugh at him, but I pity him all the same. You sell to your friends, but how friendly will the market be to you? Will you even try to push your "line" to the market? I'd like to assume that the brutally honest market will most likely hurt your feelings.

I don't know what to think sometimes, but all I know is that every day is like the main character in the Count Of Monte Cristo, every day I'm in a metaphorical prison, honing my skills in math science and literature (which in reality is business, graphic design, and...uhh literature.)

And to the other person, who I'll just call DWS, Deal Went Sour, well you know what's up and I gave you the courtesy to issue a sort of 'warning' of my plans and what I'm going to do, because now I'm silently re-building my company, re-building my brand as well as building a stronger customer base and network and I just know you hate not knowing what's going on. I guess it's because, oh I don't know, you cant steal any ideas when you can't see them. I would say good luck on finding another designer, but honestly, when I look around my city, full of desperate nobodies trying to make a name, there are plenty of dumb fucks willing to take that spot. Only question is, how long will you go trying to build a brand off of cheap and/or free labor? Business isn't based on this whole "hook me up and I'll hook you up" bullshit, it's ghetto, contrived and very unprofessional. And it's like, I look around my city and it's like that, everyone's trying to "hook" somebody up in order to get hooked up in return. What the fuck happened to just legitimate business deals? What happened to Non-Disclosure agreements and things of that nature. It's like these days, especially here in my city, it's like people are just doing verbal agreements over a couple of beers and calling that "business", I for one am no longer subscribing to that culture. I admit, I was guilty, but I seriously just stopped sipping the Kool-Aid. 

i can't deal with that shit anymore, and what the hell is up with not getting a legitimate receipt from the screen printer? I mean geez, how are you running a legitimate business and not able to even give me a decent invoice or receipt? Freaking ridiculous. I seriously think I'd seal my fate if I kept dealing with these two parties. I'm glad I woke up when I did, I have a company to run, a legitimate one at that.
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Motivation: Picking up my Bugatti Veyron today...

Thursday, March 8, 2012
Not really...I say that because I know one day it will true. To be honest, I really just want a Lamborghini, a Hyndai Genesis and/or A Rolls Royce. But I honestly envision myself sitting inside of a Bugatti Veryon and Maybach because I might as well really shoot for the stars, because if I fail, atleast I'll just land on the moon. Or my favorite I'm going to aim for being a billionaire, because if I fail at that, I'll have to just settle for being a millionaire. 

I'm so motivated, that even on my most discouraged and down days, I'll still motivated as hell. That's how I know I've gone mad, I'm insane! I'm like the Mad Scientist, both brilliant and insane. But I sincerely believe you have to be insane in order to shoot for success in business. When I look at it, I have yet to see nor communicate with a 'normal' self made millionaire. We're not sane, or 'normal' people! Because normal is boring. Normal is lame, and normal certainly isn't fun!

I always thought of things like marriage as 'normal' and that shit turned me off, because of the lame ass facade that society likes to portray marriage as. I just was never interested in that life. Only until I've came across very success self-made millionaires who are married. Now THAT'S not normal, I like not normal. I'd rather be dead than normal. I know for a fact that I'm meant to live a not so normal life. I joke with myself about things like "welp, if I'm ever not enjoying life, I'll just commit suicide, ehhh I'm just clockin' out early".

Anyway, I always pat my pocket because that's my exotic super car's key is. Heh. That alone gives me a small morale boost. Having rode in a ferrari now, I see that the lifestyle that comes along with those cars are real. It makes it tangible and it further reminds me that I get closer to that lifestyle every day, I just have to keep meeting it halfway (meaning work hard).

Ehhh, random thoughts....Had to dump the brain right quick.
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Networking: The Marine in the mine field.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
-You Ever Suck Dick for business?-

Reading a very informative article on tips on starting a clothing company. Specifically streetwear. It breaks down into different parts on what needs to be done in order to pursue starting a successful clothing brand. Now, just like every article and book out there, it doesn't ensure success, but sure as hell puts a lot of us on the right path.

I know I've been at this for almost 2 years already, but I pretend like like I just started yesterday. I need to say hungry and vulnerable, to keep my senses sharp. One of the things the article stresses is the DREADED NETWORKING. 

Many people treat networking like entry level male pornstars: they start with the mindset of I have to suck some serious dick if I want to make my up in the ranks in the industry. My opinion, it doesn't have to be like that. I know that sucking other peoples' dicks is just going to make me and my company look like, well, dick lickers. People that they shit on any time they feel. Pretty much, the insiders will just pat a dick licker on the head, say "you're so cute, now move along" and just forget about those dick lickin' labels.

Screw that, I'm going to treat this networking thing like a male porn star with a hustle: I'm gonna introduce myself and bring my own porn bitches and camera man with me. Oh yeah I own a production company, so we do our own porn, just wondering if you'd like to do business with me and we can both make some serious money and snort some serious lines of coke.

That's how it's going to be with my company, metaphorically, I've got my own dick, my own porn bitches and my own cameraman with me. We are a production team. I believe that's how to effectively network. There's a reason why I'm not retweeting and tweeting all of those popular streetwear labels like a sucker, they're used to that, and I'm too fly to be lickin' dick.

I'm going to just have to really start this from the ground up....

-I'm The Marine In The Mine Field- 

So I'm in the Drop Zone, just got dropped off by the chopper, with my Assualt Rifle in hand, ready to kill some tango's. BUT DAMN IT, WAIT A MINUTE THERE'S A MINEFIELD, SEPARATING ME AND MY SQUAD FROM THE TANGO'S BASE, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO FLANK 'EM. That's how I feel right now as far as networking. I'm going to have to strategically, carefully, and surgically move in and out of the mines in order to get to the base. Because I'm most likely on a couple people's bad sides (not my fault I swear!), I'm going to have to avoid them when it comes to networking, shouldn't be too hard as they don't play a major role in my market, but nonetheless, one plays a role. Indeed I will stay respectful at all cost if I were to come across any of them, as is in life, two parties will always eventually come across each other, especially when both are competing in the same market. It's all a mine field though, and I'm the marine who really has to watch his step.

How can I network though? It's sure as hell isn't impossible, as I see new companies and brands come up to prominence each and every day, I'm sure there's a method to it, I'm just going to have to keep digging.
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Damn it, WTF was I doing the whole time?!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
So I'm on the Millionaire forum, and I see I successful entrepreneur who started a thread, just to "dump his mind", those are his words, just in case someone thinks I am being insulting. So he's breaking down all of his ventures into processes. I'm sitting here, reading through each one, and I need a f#%cking hammer so I can hit myself in the head. WHAT THE HELL HAVE A BEEN DOING THE WHOLE TIME? 

-The Art of Freestyling - 

NOT!!!! Damn it, so the past year, I've just been freestyling. I mean it's good when it comes to rappin', skatin', bikin' and all of that, but NOT BUSINESS. Damn it man. I didn't have a process down. None, whatsoever. I'm such an idiot. EEEEEDEEEEYOT. Oh well, can't fret over the past, but I can surely use the present to change the future.

So now I need a process, and I need to go by it like it's my Bible. Cool, I'm on it, oops, I mean I'm in on it.
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A higher level.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
hmmm, been thinking to myself about the brand change. I look at it like it's an 'upgrade', since I'm stepping the image up a notch, or two. I figure, all the successful brands start off talking highly of themselves. Hell if one doesn't speak highly of himself, who else will? Specifics aside, it all starts with me. I believe I am a millionaire. I believe my brand is tailor made and perfectly suited for other millionaires, and those who aspire to acquire that status.

-I Gotta Take What's Mine-

Man, I remember thinking about all cavemen but way back in time. I remember how the TV shows always depict the Cavemen clubbing and dragging a Cave girl and making her into his mate. It's funny as hell to watch, but I'm learning a lesson from that. He took that shit. He didn't wait around for the Cave girl to make eye contact with him, he didn't walk up and say to her, in a series of grunts "Excuse me miss, but I could not help but to make it aware that, you certainly suit my fancy" (yeah that's how Cavemen talked back then, but in grunt mode). That's how it is with business. I can't wait until the market finally decides to let me in. I can't wait around for someone to stumble upon my website and brand. I can't wait around for promoters to contact me saying that they would like me to attend their events of behalf of my clothing company. None of that. I've got to take it. I've gotta be the one who FORCES HIS WAY INTO THE MARKET, I've gotta be the who TIRELESSLY PROMOTES HIS COMPANY AND WEBSITE DAY IN AND DAY OUT, And I've gotta to be the who CONTACTS PROMOTERS PROPOSING TO ATTEND THEIR EVENTS ON BEHALF OF MY CLOTHING COMPANY. I did those ACTIONS in bold because, that is exactly what they are, bold. And Bold gets the babe, (babe meaning money/success of course).

I know that I have to get out of the comfort zone. Hell I'm uncomfortable as is, so it shouldn't be too hard for me to stay out of the comfort zone. But I know there is always improvement. I know that I have habits I fall back into, I know there are days where I just surf the web and I feel as if there's nothing that I can do. But it's not true. There's ALWAYS something I can do, though some things are more apparent than others. For example, this blog is almost action for me, because writing all of these things are definitely putting me into the mood to do something. Since 2010, I've no longer been a talker but a do'er. I just want to keep it up and never give up and never let up. I am meant to be an entrepreneur and I am meant to be a millionaire. I just have to meet it halfway...
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Venting: F#$k Freebies!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Man, I'm going to vent really quick. I'm so glad I stopped associating with the people who were so used to me doing free work for them. I did in the beginning to just help out and hopefully build a rapport and portfolio. I was raised that, if you help someone, they should be able to help you in return. Not that I was expecting anything in return, but I for one have faith in humanity, so I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. But no, it was just a quick "thanks" and that's that. Then they give that BS promise "I'll help you promote your company" blah blah blah. Firstly, I don't really need the help, I have a strong team and we're always learning and Second, I have yet to see you really help with promotion anyway. Ha, you're a joke.

Or, all those meetings at the store, going over different clothing pieces, talking business, what's the next step, and all you're talking about is YOUR IDEAS and YOUR DESIGNS. Whenever I asked about MY products and direction of MY company, you just give a quick answer and go right back to YOUR ideas. You're not a client nor a business partner, you're a LEECH. I'm not even mad nor angry because I learned a lot of valuable info working with these individuals, a lot of priceless info as well, but I will not associate myself with those types of people anymore. I seriously am upgrading my life just I'm upgrading my clothing company. It feels good. I'm back at square one, but it feels GOOOOOOOODDDDDDD.

Now, on another topic related to freebies. When it comes to giving away free products to artists. I am going to be strict when it comes to that. Many folks will probably hate me, which is good, hate can be great marketing. As I said before, I'll only sponsor artists who meet my company's requirements.

Also, the blogs, I'm going to be sending some free stuff to blogs, but only specific blogs, ones that I believe will help with the image and those that are professional and mature as well. Just not any run of the mill blogs. it's going to be a challenge, but it's going to be a challenge that I will gladly accept.
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Finding that market, and taking it out on a date

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
And tipping the waiter generously.

Since I'm re-establishing my brand, it's going to be a bit tough to switch gears. I'm kind of leaving the whole "streetwear, I listen to hip hop and sip PBR and Colt 45" type of steez. Granted, it's still the the essence of my brand, because streetwear is very profitable and it's just a fun business to be in. Streetwear definitely promotes creativity mixed with a hustler's attitude rewarded with a life like Donald Trump. I digress.

Now, since the image and brand is now geared towards wealth, elegance, and ambition, it's going to be a tough call when it comes to attending local trade shows and events. Before, it was easier, I did strictly hip-hop type t-shirts and designs, so I could attend hip hop shows and events. This time is a bit different. Now, I need to attend events that can kind promote and groom the vibe that I am looking for. Wealth, Elegance, Ambition. Because I'm going to be a streetwear version of Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and such. That's a tough call, I know I'm going to have to really do some research on this to really find the line I'm trying to go. I need to put a face on my brand, don't know how I'm going to do this, but I'm going to do it, regardless. I'm too fly to fail.
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New Idea: Flaws Don't exist.

Monday, March 5, 2012
                                     "You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." -Eleanor Roosevelt.

I truly believe that, last year, one of the things I did wrong, was trying to please everyone. Which in business, can be the ultimate sin. Those who seek to impress everyone, are usually those who go broke with nothing to show for. I know that now, Definitely a lesson learned. I can only try my best to avoid doing that again.

I think what many of the most successful clothing brands do, is find a target and constantly aim for that target, sniper rifle. What I was doing was just shooting at a bunch of targets, sprayin' and prayin' I hit something, machine gun. Now I know what to do, how to do it.

I know my target: People who are into streetwear, but like sleek, elegant designs, that can be either worn while being out and about, or worn in the VIP section of a nightclub. Young entrepreneurs and Young executives in the making. Guys my age who see themselves holding a Maybach key.

I'm going to keep hitting that target. If you don't like our products, they are not for you, sorry. Oh you want flamboyant colors and loud colors, sorry we do not do that.

If someone asks "hey, do you do Crewneck sweaters?" I will say "Sure do, stay tuned, we're rolling some out on the next delivery". Someone asks, "hey do you do teal shirts with pink designs?" I'll say "sorry, we do not do those". Calmly and reject those who say I should do things that I may not want to do.

I'm sure people tell mr. Cupcakes, or the guys who own the Hundreds, what they should make. I"m sure they make what they want to make.

Flaws don't exist. Either I do something or I don't. I may want to do hoodies but no crewneck sweaters, but I may want to do crewneck sweaters and no hoodies, or maybe I want to do both. Doesn't matter.

Nothing is impossible, my brand will do some epic shit, I know it just takes time,persistence, and most of all, hard work. Fortunately, I"m not alien to any of those.

I just now have to figure out what type of events and tradeshows I want to hit up. I'll save that for next post...
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