
It's all a joke, and they're in on it, just don't know it...

Thursday, April 5, 2012
-And They Sit There, Beers In Hand, Talking Nonsense, And They Call That Business-

"...and they sit there, just talking ideas over beers and they call that Business" -Me

These people are a joke. J-O-K-E. I don't even mean this in an insulting way, I mean it in an objective way. I know this because I once was part of the joke. Sitting there drinking beers, just talking ideas, not even talking about action and we called that a "business meeting". Fucking stupid. Fucking stupid, I was. Even though I subtracted myself out of the equation, these people are still carrying on with this habit. And it's OK, because I'm behind the scenes slowly building my weapon, secretly training myself, reading, researching, doing things over and over again until it is second nature to me.

See, it's all a joke, and they're in on the joke, they just don't know it yet. They think what they're doing isn't a joke, but in reality, it is a joke. Though, we call this a game, or The Game, it is in reality far from it. The complete opposite. It's Life Or Death to me. I may have fun from time to time, but it's still Life Or Death. I'm willing to die trying to achieve success, I'm willing to endure pain, embarrassment, shame, sorrow. I know it's a big pay off in the end.

Today, I had to sit and reflect on that. I have to count my inventory today and prepare to raise more capital to have production start within the month or two so I can have a fall release. I'm ready for this shit. Ha, yeah they say it should be fun, well look at the smile on my fucking face. Pure Bliss.

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