
End of Year, Beginning Of New Opportunity

Monday, December 30, 2013
Being Forced to Start Over Act I.

They say there's a silver lining in the clouds; I no longer believe in that. It seems everything I've tried has seemed to crumble and fall flat on its face. It comes to a point where just thinking "positive" or "looking at the bright side of things" seems like bullshit.

Something happened recently with a partnership I had. I can't go into specifics because I'm still conducting my own little investigation, but it seems like a big deal that was supposed to happen, didn't really happen. This is thousands of dollars we're talking about here. Products that I personally had a hand in developing and designing. When I first learned of the 'truth', it didn't really bother as much. I tried to just sit back and laugh at it a bit and come to my senses. But after a day, it really bothers me. It makes me disappointed and very discouraged. Being lied to over a business deal is a lot like being lied to in a relationship, it hurts and it makes you step back and look at all parties involved with a very pessimistic eye. A critically pessimistic eye.

When someone goes out of their way to lie, with pictures and everything, it makes you wonder where their head is really at. Why lie? Y'know, you can't really live out the lie, the lie sounds good, rolls off the tongue in a very pleasurable way, but you can't feel  the lie. You can't cash the lie in at the bank. You can't live off the lie like an investment or retirement account. After the lie is said, you're back into real life, living the reality. Everyone knows reality isn't as fun as the lie. But we live in the reality, not made up fantasies.

This lie has affected our business, ultimately our lives. For what? props? A pat on the back along with a Fireball shot? That's nice, but I can't push things forward with a shot of alcohol and verbal masturbation.

I was supposed to leave the country on what I thought was business. In reality, it's the opposite. All pleasure, but all under the guise of business? How does that even work? I'm going to network to build more profitable relationships, but of course co-owner had planned all this time to party with some chick. Chicks are cool, but chicks don't secure a future of freedom and wealth. It's just pussy, man.

I feel ashamed for falling for the smoke and mirrors, and I feel even more ashamed for telling friends and family and potential clients and partners of the success we made, the money we made. That stuff never happened, never existed. All talk.

You're So Smart 

It feels good for people to tell me how smart I am. The people I confided in and poured my heart out to during this ordeal told me the exact words. "But you're so smart, you'll be okay, you'll find a way". As good as it feels to be regarded as such, it doesn't help me at all. I get tired of hearing that. If I was so smart, why do I keep getting into these shady deals? Get involved with these shady people?

I don't feel very smart. I can teach myself how to program. I can teach myself how to build extraordinary things, but I ain't smart. I'm just not lazy is all. I get kinda tired of hearing how "smart" I am, because I don't feel smart at all. I'm so smart but I keep getting fucked over. Yeah, I'm smart. I'm a god damned genius.

I'm starting a new project and I will do it all by myself. I'd be lying if I say I'm approaching with the same mindset as I had before. I'm not. I'm approaching with a very critical and somewhat negative and cynic mindset, which I know is not really good, but maybe it's time to be this way. It seems to be the only way.

I still feel lost, still feel desolate, but I know deep down, I have to push forward and move on...We'll see how this shit goes.

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The Rules Of Partnerships

Thursday, October 24, 2013
"In a partnership, both parties should have a skill...."

So true. I always believed it, but never thought much about it. But now I am proof of that. I should have never entered into a partnership deal where I was the only one with the skills and talent. I regret everything. I am done. I should have thought about it, I should have reconsidered. I should have stayed away from clothing like I initially promised myself.

I am pretty mad at myself, but I'm not too beat up. I am currently working on other ventures that are actually benefiting me. Something I am actually enjoying. Something I can actually utilize my skills and talent on.

I will officially no longer work with clothing lines. I know I said it before, but I mean it this time. I hate the clothing business with a passion. It's a pain in the ass to design and develop a product in that field. I like building websites, I like making banner ads. It's more freedom in the web. Clothing is all about following trends rather than trying to innovate. I am through with this business, it is not for me.

These past few years, people have been taking from me, always wanting something from me, I don't get anything in return. Nothing. What can they give me? Let's face it, I'm just too good for these people. I am ready to rub shoulders with people who will actually show me something. Actually give me the same as I give them. I'm too good for them.

Only partner with someone who as a skillset and drive...for everyone else? Just say no.
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In Business To Detroy

Wednesday, October 16, 2013
In Business To Destroy

Kill All Of Them

I used to be in business to be successful and live a life of wealth. Now it's all of that PLUS wanting to kill and murder my competition and those who used me in the past to build their own empires. I lost a lot of money on it, and wasted time and resources on them in hopes of getting the same help and love in return.

Now I go to bed wanting to kill them. I wake up out of bed wanting to kill them. Fuck all of you, I will destroy you, I will put you out of existence. I hate you, I want to KILL you. I want to no longer be anything. I want you to no longer to exist. I won't stop until I am dead, and even in death I will still murder everything you do

That is all

Only the good shall prosper, the crooks, thieves and users and abusers should be destroyed. What value do they bring to society?

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I've Got To Ask For It.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013
I've Got To Ask For it

Guys, we all have this buddy. He's a married guy. Every time he comes around, he's usually looking like a sad sack of shit. He always says the same thing whenever we get on the topic of sex or anytthing sexual for that matter. "I haven't had any in weeks". Or "My wife stopped giving me bj's after the honeymoon". He lost, majorly. His wife has him in the palm of her hand. He ain't no man no more.

In business, I WAS that guy not getting the BJ's. I was putting my all into my business. All of my TLC. But my business never gave me any BJ's. My business owned me. But, because I'm a real man and not a bitch, I made the decision to "divorce" my business and move on to one that's going to give me my BJ's. With my first business, I never asked for it. I just waited until IT was reasdy to give it to me. Waste of time, get out of dodge, and quick

So, I started a new business, and every day, I am asking for what I want, and I'm getting it. I don't even have a product yet, and I know I'm going to have customers. Because I ask for them to buy from me. Best part about it is, I don't ask for it in a question format. I ask for it in a way that they won't even know that I'm closing them on a sale. I lay out what I and my product does for them. Short and Sweet, though. At the end, I just lay it out to them the benefit of getting it from me. That's it. I got my BJ, and I'll get my BJ tomorrow.

only dickless lames wait around for what they want. I no longer am that guy. Give me what I want, or you won't see me again. I'll be on to the next one, closing the sale. Simple as that. I think people over complicate business, but if you keep it as simple as asking for what you want, I believe business becomes a bit easier. No need for all the fluff

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If you are not with me, you are against me

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Simple Solution

Want to know if a business deal is bogus? Ask what YOUR benefits of the deal is. If they are not with you, they are against you. You need to get what you need. On the flipside, be sure that your potential partner gets something out of the deal too, don't be selfish. BUT, if the deal is all on their side, then scrap them. If you don't fulfill my need, why should I fulfill yours?

I don't entertain bullshit

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I am the one percent

Friday, August 30, 2013

This is going to be short and sweet. I will be...matter of fact I AM the one percent. This is not the 1 percent you hear of in the news. No, i am referring to the one percent that will be extraordinary in everything he does. What the 99 percent is doing i will be the one percent that will do it extraordinarily.

Can YOU compete with someone like me?

99/1 rule, mindset and theory.

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I hate Wannapreneurs

Friday, August 30, 2013

I Hate Wannapreneurs

If there's one thing that will frustrate me to no end, it's a wannapreneur. If you're wondering what one is, let me tell you this: You more than likely are a wannapreneur. Yep, you. I used to be one, but I changed that real quick by taking action.

A wannapreneur is someone who I can't stand. The type that will talk all day about how they want to be a millionaire one day. How they want that $250,000 car. How They want VIP treatment everywhere. Never about what they're going to provide to society. Never about how they want to bring an awesome product that will solve someone's needs and problems. Worst of all, Someone who doesn't take any action whatsoever to accomplish these things

I'm currently in a deal with a wannapreneur. Actually, he was one of the three deals I had been working on for quite a while. I thought things were going well. I showed him the product line, went over how many we want to run and that's that. He promised to do his part of the deal and reach to the people that were going to make our products. That's the easy part. We've got investors so the money is not an issue at all. I'm keeping ownership of my share of the business, but I am pulling out of it to focus on my other vetnures

Because of the lack of action, this person is now left with all of the duties of the business. I was handling the hard parts, until I finally got tired of his laziness. Now he's stuck with it, because I am fucking done. Atleast until he's ready to move this business forward. It's a shame because people actually wanted the products. We got good feedback, the interest is building. But whatever, you don't really want to make money, bud.

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This Week, I just did THREE Business deals

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Three Biz Deals in One week

This post is going to be short and sweet because I have been super busy and I'm ever so tired. With good reason. I just did three business deals this week. This calls for a celebration in a few weeks. The next few months will be interesting for sure :D. Can't give details as I'm not sure who reads this blog. But if you're reading this, just know, that hard work will put you in some good positions to make some moves. That is all. Goodnight everyone.

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Worst manager I've ever had part 2

Friday, August 23, 2013
Worst Manager I've Ever Had Part 2

Worst Manager I've Ever Had part 2

So I've decided to do a part 2, to go into further detail into the horrors of MicroManagement™. I put a trademark on it this time because it seems that companies use this sorry method so much that you'd think it was a popular brand. I also want to go into further detail on how this type of method of management can affect the human mind and psyche.

It's been a few months now since I've quit, but every now and then I'll still get flashbacks and nightmares about SB and her micromanaging ways. I remember stepping out to go to the bathroom, I hadn't been feeling good that day, one of my aunts had just died and I sort of sunk into a little bit of depression. Well with that depression comes very bad eating habits, which in turn makes the stomach fight back at you relentlessly. So I spent quite a while in the bathroom. Like around, 10 minutes. 15 tops. So When I return to my desk, not to my surprise, I get an IM. From you-know-who. "Hi", the IM says. "Hello" I write back. "Where were you?". "The restroom". "Well you were gone for about 20 minutes, that's unacceptable". What?! I was gone for about 10 minutes. I should know, I was surfing the web on my phone in the restroom. I monitor my time closely. I write back that I was not in there for 20 but more like 10 minutes, my IM status should indicate just how long. Of course she finds something else to get at me about.

Even working 12 to 14 hours a day, working Saturdays and Sundays, I was still treated as if I was always doing something wrong. Only because I wasn't the "star player". Every day, another IM, another "come see me" e-mail, another visit to MY desk to grill me on the 40 accounts that need to be worked on and completed (which by the way was impossible). Each and every day, it was borderline abuse.

The psychological effects are things that most companies tend to either ignore, or just don't know. I was hiding this secret from EVERYONE until about a week ago. It's a confession that I'm not so proud of, but I was so lost that I thought it was the only thing I could do to escape. I had finally came out to confess to my mom and my sister that was I planning my suicide, because of the stress of being micromanaged and being hit with insane expectations. I was making good money. Very good money, especially compared to my past jobs in my career. I was popping sedatives everyday, but even those weren't enough. I had more than enough to buy a gun. I could have bought any gun I wanted.

It's weird when you're planning your own suicide. It's not like the movies, where you're crying everyday or you look like a sad sack of Sugar Honey Iced tea. I looked good, I would joke and laugh with my girlfriend, co-workers. I would go out to drinks after work. Nothing was all depressing. I just had a goal. To kill myself. I would shop around for guns in my free time. I had already figured out where I was going to do it. In my car. Possibly in my car in the parking garage at my job. The song Bang Bang by Nancy Sinatra would constantly play in my head as I thought about my suicide. I would feel a sense of relief daydreaming about that BANG!. That BANG! was my final escape. That BANG! was going to be my savior.

I suppose now that I am meant to be on this earth a bit longer because something odd happened that pretty much saved my life. Actually a couple things happened. The first thing that happened was my coworker that I became buddies with almost died. He was in the hospital for a good 4 weeks. My whole team had to take over all of his accounts. He had the big dog accounts too. Which meant the whole team's production went down even further. This shone the spotlight on SB the MicroManager™. One of his accounts I took over, I'll never forget her. She was angry as all hell. She cursed, she said some awful things about me and my company. I had to spend all day working her file alone to keep her from escalating. She did anyway. I won her over, she liked me by the end of the day, but after not getting any return calls from SB and HER boss. She went to my boss's boss. This got SB fired. Whew, what a relief. Funny thing is, she got fired the day I called in sick. I was so close to ending my own existence you don't even know.

When she got fired, I got moved to another team. This team was managed by a person that I will forever be grateful for. Because of SB, I had accrued a bunch of write-ups. Fuck. Because of all the write-ups, I was close to being fired, which I did not know. So this new manager called me to his office to talk. He didn't want me to tell anyone, because this sort of a secret of all the leadership, but I was on the way to being fired. I was lost and confused. Even though I went through all of the bullshit, I still loved my job. I worked hard to get there. I made good money, I was eating calamari everyday, I was in VIP at the clubs and bars. I was the man! really I wasn't the man, and I was using money to escape the stress.

Those few days were so confusing. I wanted to kill myself, but at the same time, before I was going to kill myself, I still wanted to make that money to sustain myself. I mean while I'm alive, I've got bills. That's a weird thing too, I was contemplating killing myself but I was still worried about debts. That's funny looking back. I was a total wage slave. I didn't know what to do, I did NOT want to get fired. It was not my fault, why do I deserve to get fired? Why do I deserve to get this job TAKEN from me?! I talked with my mom on the phone repeatedly, confused. What should I do? Should I quit? Should I just let myself get fired and risk not being able to find another job in this field should I decide to not kill myself? I looked at my savings. Hmmmm, that's enough to not have to work for the rest of the year. A blessing in disguise, I wouldn't need to kill myself, I can just quit and relax for a bit. I'm going give myself a vacation. That's what I did. I put my two weeks notice in and thanked all of the leaders for the opportunity. Good thing about it was I got about 3 more pay checks after that, so my savings was FAT. I can my live how I want for the next 6 to 8 months.

I quit and never looked back. Now, here I am, chilling and relaxing, and starting my second business. Had those events not happened, there's a good chance I wouldn't be here. Suicide is real, and it's not this far fetched thing. It's real and the mindset that leads to suicide can happen to anyone. Micro management is borderline harassment. Matter of fact, it IS harassment. I firmly believe companies should be penalized for promoting or allowing micromanagement. It can affect employees in a very negative way. I almost killed myself. I felt that was the only way of escape. I couldn't just go to the higher ups. Believe it or not, managers look after other managers, it's no other way to cut it. It's the truth. It's wrong, but it's a part of life. If you're going to take on one, you'd better prepare to take them all on.

I said it before and I'll say it again, SB should never, ever be allowed to work in a position of leadership again. People like her should never be given that sort of power and responsibility. fuck her.

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Why I Chose Entrepreneurship

Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Why I Chose Entrepreneurship

Why I chose Entrepreneurship

Why I chose to own my own business

I think a lot of my friends and family think of me as "that guy" who is always starting a new business venture left and right in a never ending search for riches. In reality, it ain't just the riches I am after. Rather, I can still die happy if I never become a millionaire. People assume that I'm some money hungry opportunist because I am an entrepreneur, but that's plenty far from the truth

Being an entrepreneur is so much more than just looking for riches. It's so much more than just owning a $100,000 car and a 50,000sq ft home. It's something much deeper than the material possessions and fat wallet. It's the feeling of living off of something you created, and watching something you created grow and become something great.

It's the freedom of doing what you want to do in your own company without the risk of losing your position within said company. If you want to sell using a weird method you created, you can do that. If you hate selling and just wish to automate a formula in which your products will be put in front of the eyes of your potential customer base, then so be it, you can do that. You are the boss of your own company, and you very well could be the boss of others if you hire anyone.

Even when I was younger, I always knew deep down that a person in this country can live his or her life working for themselves. You don't have to get a job for the rest our existence, do we? Is it bullshit to even dream of being a CEO of a company you created? Is it just a dream to imagine running your own show while reaping the financial rewards that is insanely more than that of a 9 to 5?

I chose this path because one day, one day, I know that I'll be waking up everyday, at any time I want, checking my bank account, seeing how much revenue my company made overnight, while contemplating if I want to go to the beach for while or just hang out at the restaurant bar and watch TV for a few hours. I know that one day, I'll make enough money to have my freedom to do whatever it is I want. I know that one day, I will be giving opportunity to others to have a job, to start a career, or to even make a difference through my enterprises

More importantly, I know that one day I'll confirm that I can have all the nice things in life without having had to sacrifice over half my life working a wage-slave job to attain these nice things. If I have to waste most of my life to get those things, then what is the point of even having them?

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Where Do I Go...From Here?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Where Do I go from here?

Doesn't Matter Where You Go, Just Go

Lately, I've been feeling a tiny bit down about my direction in my life. Not my life in general, but moreso my business life. I guess it's because at the moment, there's no revenue coming in. I mean, my clothing company is about to be shut down, no sales from there, I quit my 9 to 5 job. I'm just chilling on my lovely savings account right now, and while that's all nice and all to have, even that doesn't last very long. I've got a couple ventures that I'm going to be starting, I feel pretty good about it as I do my homework on them, as I've done with all things I've done. But still, there's that inkling of doubt.

I'm getting out of the clothing game, I should have never got into it in the first place, I should have got into the tech game way back when. I've always had a thing and a passion for computers, networking, all the techy and gadgety stuff. I'm a geek at heart. I do believe things happen for a reason, but it still sucks that after hundreds and thousands spent on something that I fell out of love with.

I'm getting into web dev and app dev, but one of my concerns with that is, I need to drop some serious cash to get that started or it will take forever for that to start. While I have the money, I need to act faster than usual in order to get these things into play. But I still feel like I may waste thounands more on another venture that can potentially fail

I feel sort of lost, I've been trying to kill that pain with alcohol lately. Not a lot like I used to, but enough to get a buzz going where I feel a bit lazy. Ugh, where do I go from here? I've got the tools, I've got resources, but I think that fear and doubt is rearing its ugly face, that of which I haven't seen in a quite a while...where do I go from here?

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Closing My Clothing Business Down and Starting My Web and App Company

Friday, August 2, 2013

Closing the Clothing Business Down and Starting My Web and App Company

So I finally bid farewell to my first baby, my first commercial creation and embark on a journey that I've sort of always wanted to trek, but never had the balls and know-how to: The Tech World. Web and App to be specific. It feels extremely good to be honest, the clothing industry has, without a better term, pissed me off royally and has annoyed me to no end. Not my customers really, but just the whole industry. In my own opinion and sentiment, I feel the clothing industry is just super high school and sophomoric in the way they treat business. It's left a bad taste in my mouth. I feel everyone is just trying to be too cool for school and creativity and innovation has just been thrown out the window. It's all about the cash and looking cool to your customers, oh wait, sorry, your fans. Clothing has become eerily similar to the rap industry. Showing off your "bands" and your rented exotic cars and really shitting on the same people you're selling your product to.

It's not all bad though, I've dealt with and have had the pleasure of doing business with some really cool people in the biz. There are quite a few who are standing out and trying to stand out from the rest, but unfortunately they are few and far between. It's my decision to shut this thing down, and I feel nothing but positive vibes from this. funnily enough, even though I am shutting down my own clothing business, doesn't mean that I've actually left the business entirely, because, believe it or not, I own 20% of another clothing company that I am a little involved with. Mostly on the creative and consultant side, but still I own 20% of it. It's just that I don't want to deal with this industry on my own accord anymore, I've found something that actually solves people's needs and problems

You think I jumped into this without research? *laugh*, fortunately, no. Just like everything else, I researched this business extensively and am still researching this business. What I like best about this business is that is a slight stronger barrier to entry than clothing. See, in clothing, anyone who can draw or has Photoshop™ experience, can just start printing shirts and sweaters off the bat. With app and web, unless you have the money in the bank to pay a developer (like me) or have learned how to code and program (like me), you can't really just start putting out apps and websites and services off the bat like that.

Most importantly, there are serious needs that need to be fulfilled and problems that need to be solved. I mean there's millions of coders and programmers in this world, but guess what? Not all of them are out to really fulfill needs and solve problems. Many of them are just looking to work a good paying 9 to 5 job. Because there's always a demand for coders and programmers, from start-ups to big corporations, coders and programmers aren't necessarily out to leave a positive impact on society's lives. Many of them just want a good ass job so that they can pay off that student debt, get locked into some bullshit-ass mortgage, and live their merry lives.

With clothing, it's like, even those who DON'T know how to design think that they can just start a line and be rich. It's really super annoying. It gets me paid sure, for helping the clueless get started with a fee, but it's still annoying because they're just flooding society with crap. Where's the fulfillment, where's the solutions to problems? People forget that there's still a need for Direct-to-Garment printers, Silk Screeners, and even designers themselves. But no, everyone wants their own line of clothing. It's really vain and narcissistic. Which is funny at times because, for some of them, hire a designer to do all the creative stuff for them but still try to vain and narcissistic with the products that they themselves didn't even create.

bottom line is, I'm shutting my own brand down, I no longer want to be part of the vain and Narcissistic crowd, I want to create a product that make a difference in peoples' lives, specifically, fellow business owners. I want to create something that will solve someone's problems and to hopefully generate revenue from it. Being a millionaire is nice, but it's not very high on my agenda, I know I will be a millionaire, so why be obsessed with it? I should be obsessed with creating a solid product that will help others. Plain and Simple. This society lacks the Thomas Edisons and George Washington Carvers of this generation, I want to be one of them, create something powerful dynamic that will change someone's life, atleast one person's life. I will still be wealthy, so no need to focus on wealth, that happens naturally when I create a solid product.

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Worst Manager I've Ever Had

Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Worst Manager Ever

Worst Manager I've Ever Had

Worst Manager Ever

Okay so I recently quit my good paying job to start my second start-up. To be honest, it was like finishing a very, very cushy prison sentence. Don't get me wrong, the job was awesome, great pay, awesome benefits, deals every where: Hotels, computers, Restaurants, Clothing, everything. The only downside to it was my manager. We'll call her SB, for sake of some anonymity. As a side note, I recently looked her up on LinkedIn and saw that she has an MBA from a diploma mill pretending to be a college. You know the type of school where as long as you pay, you're for sure going to get your degree.

Anyway, this manager was awful. Possibly the worst manager I've ever had in my life and I've had some pretty awful managers in my time. I remember like 3 weeks in a row, when I'd sign into my computer to start my day, I'd instantly get an Instant Message from her. It never failed, it was like clockwork. I'd get IM'd from her "Hello", I'd reply "good morning". Then comes the barrage of questions and demands "what's up with this file? What's up with that file? You're late by 10 seconds, please come see me". I'd get so fucking frustrated, my eyes would feel like burning hot. She'd piss me off so much sometimes that I'd take my hour lunch break early just to get the corporate gym. She was like a nagging girlfriend

Looking back I should have seen the signs when I first got put on her team, if you could call it that. We had an initial meeting to introduce ourselves and get to know each other before going out into the trenches. When it would come time for her to introduce her self, I remember the sentence "I don't micro manage, I'm a pretty chill person". LOLWAT?! Yeah fucking right, she was micro managing like there was a cash prize in it for her. It was almost hilarious at times. I'd get so many IM's from her that I'd couldn't help but just ignore her. I mean I was on the phone with other associates in different departments, on the phone with my clients, or composing very important and information-sensitive e-mails. Those micro-managing IM's were a distraction, I mean if one pops up while writing an e-mail, I would forget to attach the document, or I would have plenty typos, all kinds of BS that would make me look unprofessional.

People like her shouldn't have jobs, point, blank, period. On my second start-up, when I start hiring staff, conducting interviews, I will specifically state that if I catch you micro managing or making some of my other employees uncomfortable, I will fire you. For the things that I've been through with managers like her, I definitely won't tolerate it. I've managed before, I ran teams, I've built departments from scratch, then proceeded to fill that department with and train over 300 people, so I do know what it's like to be on the managing end. It's not that hard. You're dealing with people, grown folks, not children, and even then, children don't deserve to be hounded like that. I really sincerely hope that SB does not get put into another job where she's leading people. She's an awful leader, an awful manager, but not an awful person. She's a good person, just when it comes to business, she gives no damn about you as an employee and associate. None. That's just how her cookie crumbles I suppose, but it does not mean that people have to deal with that. I believe she needs to get knocked back down a notch and work as a normal wage slave, not the whipper.

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Failure Is Just As Important As Success

Thursday, July 25, 2013
Failure Is Important

Failure Is Just As Important As Success

I failed my way to success

It's funny to me how people are such groupies for success. I mean, of course it's natural to have groupies of all sorts when you're successful, but these people just blindly follow you when you're successful. but when you fail it's like they don't even know you. No return phone calls, no more invites to the parties, no more "likes" on the Facebook feed, no more of that. It's like you all of a sudden have some sort of incurable disease, it's laughable at best. People tend to make me sick, when I was a failure and when I'm successful, they're all the same.

When I experienced a bit of success, my whole world changed around me. I was invited to all the parties, always invited out for drinks with the white collars, all of a sudden my daily activities were of interest to everyone. "Hey what are you up to?" or "Hey where are you? meet us up at (insert high priced bar) at 9". Not going to lie, it feels good, scratch that, it feels great. Being somebody. I'm the man, fuck yeah. When I'm showing off my brand new Louis Vuitton wallet on my Facebook news feed, or when I'm showing the world my new rose gold Michael Kors watch, people are all of a sudden my biggest fan.

But rewind time, back when I had failed. My company wasn't doing so hot, no sales, twitter was pretty much naked, Tumblr was just looking oh so depressing and of course on Facebook it felt like everyone had me hidden on their news feed. I didn't get invited to the parties, I didn't get text messages from anyone asking me of my whereabouts, hell even at the bar, the bartenders just seemed annoyed I was there. People are groupies.

But the skills and mindset I have when I am successful was the same skills and mindset I had when I failed. People don't get that, many entrepreneurs fail because either the time isn't right, or we just ran out of resources to tap to keep business going. It's rarely because they didn't know what they were doing. A real entrepreneur will always know what he/she is doing and what he/she needs to do next. It's the resources that typically hinders us.

So when people ask me for advice on their business or how to do things, they're asking the successful me: The me with the gold watch, the LV accessories, and fat wallet. Not the failure me: The bearded man who's too depressed to shave, who spent 12 hours a day researching on how I failed, with less than $100 in my bank.

I'm still the same person and always will be, whether I am rolling in the dough or when I am broke. Difference is, the failure me is stronger and smarter and more hungry, the successful me is teetering on complacent, well fed, comfortable and at times, lazy. Listen to the failure me when you ask questions, not the successful me. Failure me is in the lab, researching, learning new skills, constantly researching, the successful me is on the way to the beach, rounding the night at the bar with a $400 tab. Those who have failed typically give the best advice, they know more about what works and what doesn't, successful folks typically only know what works, that's just half the battle.

I am glad I failed once before, will I fail again? Probably, I don't care, because every time I fail, I just get sharper and more skilled and talented at many things, every time I succeed, I'm typically really good at one thing. I will succeed again, I have already, I am trying to see how many times I can succeed in a row, and for the groupies: a six figure income does not mean success, success means your idea is executed properly to wear your customers are benefiting from whatever it is you created while generating any kind of income while doing it.

Don't be a groupie and miss out on some good advice, listen to both successful people and failures, they both have the same skills and talents that got them where they are.

-The T-Shirt Millionaire

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Can You Compete With Someone Like Me?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Can You Compete With Someone Like Me? The Tshirt Millioniare

Can you compete with someone like me?

This is going to be a short but sweet post. I was browsing some of the top posts on /r/entrepreneur on to get some motivation today and came across a cool post that really got me motivated and thinking. It was a question someone posted asking members of that board how they made their first million. The first reply was really cool as the guy pretty much broke down how he did it. He pretty much learned every skill that was involved in the building of his business. He had to learn simple architecture, he had to learn accounting, he even had to learn how to cook. Every skill that was involved in the start-up of his successful business. He then asked the original poster a question that really just made me nod my head with extreme vigor: Can you compete with some like me? Kinda reminds me of me. When I started my first business. I didn't know a thing about clothing, graphic design or just business in general. I taught myself all I know. Hell I just spent the past 5 to 7 days learning HTML so that I can start my app development business. Whenever people approach me about how they're starting a business or they want to start their own company, I just shake my head a bit because I can tell that they just think it is simple as saying "I want to start a business" and that's it. No skill involved. Wrong, it takes skill, it takes many skills to start a business and see it grow. So from now on, I'm going to ask people that when they tell me they're going to start a business, can you compete with some like me?

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To Tammy, Rest In Peace, Love

Tuesday, July 23, 2013
So this past Friday, night, I was out with a business partner of mine and one of our interns having a few drinks, when I got the phone call: my cousin Tammy had passed away. Because this was the the third loved one to die within the past 8 or so months from the same family, I didn't really have a reaction like the previous. Though it does hurt and I will miss her, but this only raises the question: how many more do we have to lose before my family changes their lifestyle? Addiction runs rampant in my family, I've suffered the crippling effect of addiction myself, it's not easy, and sure as hell not pretty. The circumstances in which she passed was a real shocker too, could almost write a movie off of it. I mean it involves addiction, a triangle of love and deceit, family drama, the whole nine.

Anyway, I just wanted to dedicate a post to her, she was a great person, a person full of love, a person of virtue. She was too young to go the way she did. It was so weird, because she was just in town visiting, we hung out, did shots together, joked around, all that. Just crazy how you're here one moment and you are gone the next. R.I.P. Tammy, I love you and I will miss you greatly, but I know the suffering is over now.
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Why A Millionaire Wants To Help Secure Funding For My Product *pay attention*

Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Ha, what a title huh? You would think I 'made it'. I chose that title for a reason, and I will state that this title will not be misleading in any way, there is a ton of truth in that title, a truth that many won't understand, but another many will.

I had a chance to have drinks with a self made millionaire. A young, cool guy, someone who'd most think wouldn't have as much as he does. Had a chance to talk with him, and funnily enough, I didn't realize until after I mentioned it that I was working on an app that will cater to businesses using ecommerce.

Of course, I gave no details as I am not a dumb person, because without a patent, this idea and execution can easily be stolen and/or replicated with very little consequences. But after describing vaguely of what my goals, and what value my product will provide to other business owners, the guy was more ecstatic about this project and idea than I was. It just let me know that I am on to something. Gotta keep working on it. But these 5 factors are what helped me not only get connected with him, but a few other players that have insane access that may be able to assist on making this thing a reality.

1) I didn't ask for any money. Why should I? I have enough to support myself and I'm damn sure going to be making enough again to sustain myself and to fund this project. We had a candid conversation about folks who ask for money when they have an "idea", he disclosed that had I asked for some type of financial help, he would have ended the conversation promptly. don't ask for money, it makes a person look worthless, like you are not able to help yourself. I simply asked for a price on a Developer or Development team

2) I spoke about my project as if it's already in the market. I learned this in retail sales, you've got to paint a picture, whether it's for prospective clients or investors. They can't see your idea, they can't read minds, you have to help them visualize. Explain how this product is helping others, explain how this product helps a person do this, do that, talk in present tense, no hypothetical talk.

3) Confidence and Passion. The fact that I even spoke about my product as if it is the second coming of Christ, though I haven't even completed writing the plan and making the blueprint of it yet, shows that when I do launch the product, it will definitely gain traction, because of me, I trust in my brand as much as I trust in myself, it gives them the impression that it will be very hard I will fail.

4) Value, I simply tell people what my product offers, what it can do for them. I keep it short and sweet. No need to talk peoples' ear off, cut to the chase. This is what my product does, this is how it will help your business, it will solve this problem and increase revenue. Save the fluff talk for Public Speaking class.

5) I don't take myself too seriously. My chill nature, while still remaining professional, is what attracts people to me. If I stutter, or say something wrong, I joke about it. I smile when I speak, I remain positive. People don't like intense personalities, you give folks anxiety when you are coming off as high strung or intense. Just calm down, it's just money, it will come when you just relax and just focus on your goal. Even now, where I am not working and I'm living off of my money I had made from earlier this year, I always tell myself that, even when I'm broke, I will make money again, it's gone now but not forever. Whether I get another job, or one of my businesses or executed ideas take off, I will get it again, plus some and each every time I do, it will be more than the last. So I just chill out and remained focused on my goals.
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I just discovered a skill within me, that makes me 'expensive'

Sunday, July 7, 2013
Some Have It, Some Don't, But Everyone Can Work To Get It

So I just realized a skill and maybe talent that I have discovered during my little vacation. I have what you call innovation. This is not the innovation where one says "I have this idea" and that's that. It's where one says "I have this idea, I have researched it, I have written a comprehensive plan with data and examples and will push this idea forward". That's what you call innovation.

It only makes me expensive because I not only think of new ways to fulfill a need, I actually follow through with it. I do research, I draw up plans, I even design up mock website pages and product pages to show the vision I have. In these times, our society seems to lack that, innovation. Many folks just want to start a business that everyone else is doing, because they deem it safe. They don't like risk, they don't like ridicule or criticism, they just want the money while not providing something that society can really use.

My friend, whose business I am currently working on to get launched and kickstarted, is a very lucky man. Because I'm currently writing the blueprint for and trying to design a platform that I believe can possibly change how businesses utilize their eCommerce shops. Shoot, I think this may even change the way we look at eCommerce and social media as a whole, that is of course if I continue to work and do my due diligence. I'm using his business as a Guinea Pig. Most folks would charge you just to try out a new plan or app on their business. But it just shows how much faith I have in myself and my new plan and hopefully one day, app.

I remember reading the history books, seeing all of these innovators and inventors and reading their stories. Every country had them, every culture had them. We don't have that anymore, we don't have innovators or people trying to create something that can benefit others. It's all just face values now. Everyone wants to be rich or look rich while contributing to society. How can you get people to part ways with their money for you, if you're not providing value to others. I want to provide a need, I want to contribute to society. I no longer want to start businesses that are "safe" or businesses that look profitable, but they're not providing value. I now want to give back to society and I want to make peoples' lives better in some form or another. I of course want to be rich doing it, but atleast let me do get rich doing something that provides value.

the next post I want to write about my idea, of course it will be vague, because it's an idea :), a very valuable and potentially very profitable one at that.
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Being Half Way Successful Pt. 2 + New Business Venture

Monday, July 1, 2013
It's weird now how I developed a strong need to want to provide something of value to society in regards to business. You know, if you own a restaurant, you're feeding people, a Web business provides content and information to people, and owning and selling real estate gives people a place to live or gives their business an office.

Clothing brands, honestly don't contribute much value to society. I may catch heat for it, but I will explain my feelings towards that. When I owned my own clothing brand, all I was providing was a luxury, a want. Someone may shell some extra cash to buy a t-shirt or a hoodie from me. Most sales that I made was from people who had to wait until they had extra money to buy my products. That's not a need, at all, and it's dangerous to depend on that. It's hard to attain millions when you depend on wishy-washy sales and revenue. I need something that gets me paid everyday, every week, every month. Also, of course this has to involve the least amount of involvement as well. That's what is called, Fastlane. It's one of the best ways to attain lots of money, fast.

With that said, I'm sort of a hypocrite, because I am the Lead Designer of a clothing business, as well as manager. I design for that brand and pretty much run the day to day operations of this brand and start-up. But, I will say, this is my last clothing-based product before I am out for good. Cashin' out. It's tough to leave the biz I admit, because I still have other owners and players in the local market who still hit me up with  the desire to work with me and do a venture with me. I just fell out of love with the business, because everyone is doing it. Every one and their mom thinks that they can start their own clothing label. It's funny and frustrating at the same time. The clothing biz just gets on my nerves, heavily.

But while I'm in this deal, and I'm under contract, I'd figure I'd try to make myself and the owner very rich, hopefully very quickly while not depending on just stupid-ass clothing sales. I will tell exactly what I will be doing, and I'm not scared about anyone stealing these ideas because they're my ideas, these ideas are made to the public and anyone can implement them, it just takes a lot of work, which separates the men from the boys.

1. Social Media
I was looking at a few people who are self-made millionaires from taking advantage of social media. At first in my head I'm like "okay yeah, twitter?! how do you make money off of that?!". The answer of course is a bit complex, but in a nutshell: utilizing the right people with the use of Social Media can boost sales and more importantly help leverage joint ventures/deals (which is what I'm aiming at, JV's and Deals or Endorsements).   I have a technique in place, but of course, there are dozens of ways to accomplish this.

2. Content 
This aspect will take a bit of work and it will take some effort and brainwork. Content. Photos and Videos. All of that will show the brand's lifestyle and day to day operations and activities. It worked wonders for Wiz Khalifa, who is now a multi-million dollar earning recording artist. He had the Daytoday vlogs and that was probably one of the best forms of marketing I've ever seen. I've already got the owner, to go talk with some local photographers and videographers to hire, I am hoping they won't be too expensive, but on the flip side, expensive alot of times does equate to quality, and it's all about quality.

3. Deals And Joint Ventures 
This is one the things that many in the clothing biz don't either think about or don't have the know how to utilize. This factor is the factor that gets you paid while not depending solely on sales. If you can garnish a big following, it will be a lot easier to leverage an Endorsement or a deal or joint venture. Liquor companies, clubs, bars, all of those. These companies are just waiting until a hip and smart brand comes along and presents a good deal to them to do a venture together. I do not believe it takes millions to do that, it does take money, which will not be much a problem at this point, but it also takes a solid plan and concrete proof that you have a big enough following for them to take advantage of with the sale of their product.

I believe focusing on these 3 factors instead of just sales, will help put this brand to a level beyond what the owner had even envisioned. It will take a lot of work, it won't be easy but it will pay off and it will pay off big. Of course with me being the brains behind it, it'll be fun and cool to see and to show the owner of the brand what I can do and it should also make him step up his game as well and to look at this as a business, not just a chase for fame, glory, and supercars, but an actual business that maybe one day can help him attain those things. But first he has to realize, and maybe already has realized that you have to provide some sort of value to society in order for society to fork over their hard earned money. More updates and posts to come.
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Being "Half-Way Successful" for my age Pt. 1 + New Business Venture and Project

Monday, July 1, 2013
Wow, didn't realize that my last post was in January, holy moly. Well a lot has happened since then. Since then of course I've been working my 'dream' job making thousands every couple weeks and throwing even more into my savings account in anticipation of starting my Real Estate Investment business. 

Since then, I have resigned from the job, I got screwed and never really had a chance. It sucks to say because I was really talented and skilled at what I did, but working under someone who does not support you nor encourage growth is a recipe for failure, so I had to leave before being terminated due to their negligence. I got my money and left. 

funny thing is, it didn't really get to me like I initially thought. For the first time, I had money to live off of for a couple of months, and finally had something where I made more money than I ever have before, and for my age too, THAT's something to not be ashamed about, and now I will never have to earn less than that again, given the current state of my local economy of course. 

So here I am, unemployed with thousands in the bank to get my back into the game. Of course, that money won't last for a long time so I am hoping to get another 9 to 5 soon before that well runs dry, or even half way dry at least. In the mean time, I have been signed as Lead Graphics Designer for a local clothing company owned by an associate of mine, but I won't receive any payment until after the brand launch, which will be around fall/winter. Until then I can only just keep billing them for my work with the business. 

So while being Lead Graphics Designer and, oh yeah, ahem, Manager of the company, I am still working on getting another  9 to 5 job while also still preparing to start buying property by early next year, hopefully. The goal is still to be a self made Millionaire, it's attainable, and for the first time, it's been made clear to me that it is very possible and real. Next post, which will be part 2, I will go into detail on what my plans are and what I am exactly working on at the moment....
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Progression, with a major loss on the way

Sunday, January 6, 2013
Been a little while since I last posted. It's a whole new year. Damn, time flies. Figured I'd share what the hell I been up to.

Well...I gotta new job. a GOOD paying job. Very good paying job. It's actually my dream job and I've been wanting this position for a long time, but I just didn't have the experience, at least that's what they say. So I got this job and making some serious paper, but amidst the celebration, I got news back in October that a close relative passed away. It was like right after I got this job too. That shit hurt. A lot. I don't think anyone understands how much that affected me. Not even my own girl. But it does, alot.

So with me being "wealthy" now, I now have the money to fund my own business and really get it to that level that it needs to be. I am excited.

I've had a sort of lame day, so that's all I'll post. Gotta grind in the morning. Peace.
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