
I never want to hear the word "Hard" again.

Sunday, April 8, 2012
-The Most Annoying Sound In The Word- 

Often times, during my researching, I will come across different social platforms, including but not limited to message boards. There's usually a good amount of knowledge on message boards, IF you can distinguish the good posts from all of the garbage posts. Many times I'll see someone post a question about starting in the clothing business and asking for advice. 

Usually, before someone gives advice, it almost always starts with "clothing is one of the hardest businesses to break in". And every time I see that, my anger just hits the roof. It's annoying as hell. I mean, this happens at different websites, I know it can't be one person, that'd take a lot of effort for just one individual.

It annoys me because, it almost sounds as if they're saying that business in general is easy. IT'S FUCKING NOT. So why do they always start with "it's one of the hardest to break in". Give me a break. I believe it's hard for those who don't do their due diligence. Sure, it takes some clever marketing. Yeah, you may have to "know" somebody, but they're not all required to accumulate customers.

In business, the main key is this: get a customer. That's it. It's that basic. Of course there are factors for things just as scaling, accounts payable, taxes etc. But they're factors, just small bits and pieces to make a big picture. But the key to succeed is: Have Customers. I think people look at clothing like they look at Hollywood. In Hollywood, you usually have to know someone or suck a considerable amount of dick to be able to get casted in high-ticket projects. But business, is different. Because we own our businesses. We don't need directors, there are no agents. All we need is to create a good product and create some sort of demand or need. That is all.

I'm sick and tired of hearing this "it's the hardest biz to make it in" and other nonsense. No business is easy. If it were, everyone in my neighborhood would be driving in Ferrari's, Lamborghini's, and Bugatti's (oh my). It's tough, it's a challenge, and it doesn't happen overnight. But, it's not as hard as some make it. Maybe I'm just so motivated every day that I don't see it, maybe I've been through the hardest part already, I don't know, but I DO know that, clothing especially isn't as hard as they say. Many fail because they gave up, they stopped on their own. Many just didn't have the patience. BUT, a lot of people don't have a Fastlane mindest when it comes to business. Many just believe "if you build it, they will come", when really it's like "build it, scale it, push it aggressively on the market and they will come and stay for a while".

My mindset is this, it can't be hard when your goal is to make as much money as fast as you can. Be aggressive with it and always change product. It's all perception. When the market sees your company changing with the seasons, whether the previous products sold or not, it gives them the perception that, your company is doing good because it always has something new. On top of that, with my fastlane mentality, my method of business will make me richer quicker, thus giving me the ability to be able to scale as much as possible as quick as possible. Like a general mobilizing his soldiers even before the big conflict happens.

I don't know, that's just how I feel. I know that business isn't easy, but life ain't easier neither, and I'm still here. I'm still alive. So I know that business can't be too bad. If I'm wrong, hell, at least I tried and learned an expensive lesson.
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It's all a joke, and they're in on it, just don't know it...

Thursday, April 5, 2012
-And They Sit There, Beers In Hand, Talking Nonsense, And They Call That Business-

"...and they sit there, just talking ideas over beers and they call that Business" -Me

These people are a joke. J-O-K-E. I don't even mean this in an insulting way, I mean it in an objective way. I know this because I once was part of the joke. Sitting there drinking beers, just talking ideas, not even talking about action and we called that a "business meeting". Fucking stupid. Fucking stupid, I was. Even though I subtracted myself out of the equation, these people are still carrying on with this habit. And it's OK, because I'm behind the scenes slowly building my weapon, secretly training myself, reading, researching, doing things over and over again until it is second nature to me.

See, it's all a joke, and they're in on the joke, they just don't know it yet. They think what they're doing isn't a joke, but in reality, it is a joke. Though, we call this a game, or The Game, it is in reality far from it. The complete opposite. It's Life Or Death to me. I may have fun from time to time, but it's still Life Or Death. I'm willing to die trying to achieve success, I'm willing to endure pain, embarrassment, shame, sorrow. I know it's a big pay off in the end.

Today, I had to sit and reflect on that. I have to count my inventory today and prepare to raise more capital to have production start within the month or two so I can have a fall release. I'm ready for this shit. Ha, yeah they say it should be fun, well look at the smile on my fucking face. Pure Bliss.
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It's Always Best Served...chilled.

Monday, April 2, 2012
-Served Chilled With a Hint Of Lime-

It's been a while since I posted, a lot has happened in these past couple of weeks and I almost got lost in the sea of life. Heh, I like that.

Well, as usual, the topic is usually of the vengeful variety, but hell, it's my blog and I can write whatever I please. I suppose my mind stays on the topic, because well, there's nothing better in life than to see your enemies brought before you as you sit highly on your throne that you dutifully worked so hard for. To see your enemies look at you with shock and bewilderment and confusion asking themselves the burning question...."why won't this person give up?". 

Each and every day, I make it a mission to make this a reality. I have taken dives because of these people and I will stop at nothing to achieve more than they have and more than they ever will. I sacrificed time and energy just to be used and abused and treated as their personal design army. So, I take it upon myself to put my foot on their necks and apply pressure little by little, restricting their ability to breathe, a tiny bit at a time.

-Better To Rule In Hell Than To Serve In Heaven-

I think I'm going tattoo that quote on my body somewhere, because that quote alone just motivates the hell out of me. I'd rather to be a king of nothing than to serve another. This is why I do this, this is why I love to be in business, because even though it's a high risk, I'd rather fail trying to own a company than to succeed being an employee of another. I want my own Kingdom. 

People don't realize why I am the way I am: motivated, always thinking of business, thinking of ways to make business easier and more efficient. Because I am obsessed with building and own an Empire.

Which is relevant to the reason why I am trying to serve the stiff drink of Payback. Because these people wanted to use me as their own servant of their own kingdom with the false promises of helping me and my Empire in the making. Not going to happen, I will stop at nothing to crush all of those around me, and after I crush those empires, I will set fire to the ground on which they once stood. 

Progress: Progressing.

Goodnight...for now.
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