
So, this is Step One.

Monday, March 5, 2012
Last year, I did everything ass backwards. How could I run a clothing company selling t-shirts off of facebook? How could I own a clothing start-up, a business blog, a graphic design firm and STILL be able to focus laser precision attention on each and every one of them? I know the answer. I'm living the answer right now. So now it's all about being the Master of One. Being a Jack of All Trades just ends up being a Jack Off, No Trade.

So with my 100% attention on my clothing brand, I believe I already have a nice start. Admitting my mistakes definitely gives me a leg up on things. I am able to focus.

So, step one...?

I need this website, a professional looking website. Complete with Homepage, Blog, Store, and a page to showcase my customers and supporters. I seriously need to slowly creep away from Tumblr, and run the hell away from Facebook. Facebook is a curse I swear! Only facebooking I'll be doing is on the official company page.

I believe getting that website up, will be a huge step towards something. Not many people are serious enough to have an actual website. Many just stick to these social networking sites, which is good and creative, but it can make a brand look childish and unprofessional.

Once the website is up and running, I will constantly be tweeting my ass off. Anything and everything I can tweet, I will tweet. Hell, I'm starting to tweet my ass off now.

Once the site is up, I'll probably try to get in contact with Karmaloop and see if I can get my products on there. Having your products on Karmaloop is a very good look and it's awesome marketing in itself.

Then, I'm going to have some custom made business cards, with my beautiful logo and all :).

I really hope this works, if it doesn't, it doesn't. I'll just move on to the next venture. I still have time to grow and I'm growing and learning every day. Learning never hurt anybody.

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