
I just discovered a skill within me, that makes me 'expensive'

Sunday, July 7, 2013
Some Have It, Some Don't, But Everyone Can Work To Get It

So I just realized a skill and maybe talent that I have discovered during my little vacation. I have what you call innovation. This is not the innovation where one says "I have this idea" and that's that. It's where one says "I have this idea, I have researched it, I have written a comprehensive plan with data and examples and will push this idea forward". That's what you call innovation.

It only makes me expensive because I not only think of new ways to fulfill a need, I actually follow through with it. I do research, I draw up plans, I even design up mock website pages and product pages to show the vision I have. In these times, our society seems to lack that, innovation. Many folks just want to start a business that everyone else is doing, because they deem it safe. They don't like risk, they don't like ridicule or criticism, they just want the money while not providing something that society can really use.

My friend, whose business I am currently working on to get launched and kickstarted, is a very lucky man. Because I'm currently writing the blueprint for and trying to design a platform that I believe can possibly change how businesses utilize their eCommerce shops. Shoot, I think this may even change the way we look at eCommerce and social media as a whole, that is of course if I continue to work and do my due diligence. I'm using his business as a Guinea Pig. Most folks would charge you just to try out a new plan or app on their business. But it just shows how much faith I have in myself and my new plan and hopefully one day, app.

I remember reading the history books, seeing all of these innovators and inventors and reading their stories. Every country had them, every culture had them. We don't have that anymore, we don't have innovators or people trying to create something that can benefit others. It's all just face values now. Everyone wants to be rich or look rich while contributing to society. How can you get people to part ways with their money for you, if you're not providing value to others. I want to provide a need, I want to contribute to society. I no longer want to start businesses that are "safe" or businesses that look profitable, but they're not providing value. I now want to give back to society and I want to make peoples' lives better in some form or another. I of course want to be rich doing it, but atleast let me do get rich doing something that provides value.

the next post I want to write about my idea, of course it will be vague, because it's an idea :), a very valuable and potentially very profitable one at that.

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